Chapter 1

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The sound of your alarm clock going off woke you up from your slumber. sitting up from bed, you tiredly rub your eyes. "what time is it?" you mumble, reaching out to your nightstand to grab your phone that had been left charging last night. 

Pressing the power button on your phone, the screen lit up, 9:45 a.m. appeared in white bold letters.

"looks like I overslept..." you tell yourself, letting out a yawn as you pulled the covers off and got out of bed.  let out another yawn and got out of bed, the first thing you did was grab a set of clothes and a towel. Once you had the clothes you needed, you took a shower in the private bathroom that was connected to your room.

You turned on the warm water and after testing it to make sure it was the right temperature, you stripped yourself from your clothes and got in. The running water caused goosebumps to appear at first before relaxing at the warm feeling. You hand reached over to the shower shelf and grabbed ahold of your shampoo bottle. Popping the cap open, you poured a fair amount of shampoo into your hand. 

As you washed your hair and scalp clean, you mind drifted to your plan for today. You didn't have work as you were fired from the company you worked at, you were a mechanic that helped fix the machines that operated the entire business but you resigned from the place after the head boss had cut your salary and a few of the male workers wouldn't stop harassing you, not to mention the annoying rumors going on that were started by the female workers. It felt good to know that you were free from that awful place and you didn't need to worry about your place's rent as you saved up enough money to keep you going for a few months but you didn't want to take the risk.

Once your shower was over, you turned off the water and wrapped your naked body in a towel. While you dressed yourself in your new set of clothes, your phone went off.

"Hey (f/n)" you answered the call as you dried off your hair with the towel. "Hi (y/n), say do you have anything planned for today?" your friend asked from the other side of the phone line. "uh no, not that I know of, why?" you ask.

"well, I'm taking my cousin to the new freddy fazbear's pizza plex and I wanted to know if you wanted to come along" she said but your eyes widened at what she said. "Hold on, what did you say?" you asked, "I'm with my cousin?" she replied puzzled. 

"no you idiot, after that"

"freddy fazbears pizza plex?"

"yes! they made a new pizzeria? when?!" you exclaimed, "its been open for about a year or so I think, gotta say you're really behind. didn't you like those places".

"I didn't like those places, I loved them! send me the location, give me a few minutes and I'll meet you there" you hung up the phone and proceeded to get ready. Once you were ready, you grabbed your car keys and got into your car. You placed the location of the pizza plex into your phone's GPS and drove off in the direction that the gps told you to go.

It took about half an hour to reach the place and it was surprisingly not that far away from your house. You parked the car in the enormous parking space and got out of your car, making sure that the doors were locked, you walked to the main entrance where (f/n) stood with her cousin. "Hey (f/n), hi gale" you greeted the small boy. 

Gale was the son of your friend's aunt, he was rather short for a 10 year old but he was sweet none the less. The messy brunette hair stuck out and curled up in various parts and the large adorable hazel colored eyes looked at you with a sense of adoration, gale was a polite and respectful kid, he wasn't like the other kids that are reckless and spoiled. He was the cutest thing you've ever saw and you'd lie if you said you didn't want him as your own kid.

"Hi (y/n)" Gale greeted and wrapped his arms around you. "Hi Gale" you returned his hug as (F/n) chuckled with her arms crossed, "I can't believe you gale, you're so different with (y/n), I'm starting to think you have a crush on her" (f/n) smirked and ruffled her cousin's hair. "N-No I don't! I just...think she's really cool..." he muttered with a tinge of pink dusting his cheeks. Gale averted his eyes away from you and fiddled with his fingers as he attempted to avoid eye contact with either of you.

His Gal (Monty x Reader) DISCONTINUED OLD BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now