Chapter 15

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For most of the day, you spent your time in the daycare, your mom was enjoying herself using the arts and crafts kit with sundrop. Gale and Penny were also having the time of their lives playing in the daycare with the other children that were dropped off in the child establishment.

Recently, the children were finishing their snacks minutes before naptime. "okay everyone, clean up time! then its off off off to naptime!" sun cheered and held a plastic trash can for all the children to throw their trash away. "Yes Mister Sun!" they cheered and helped him clean up the mess of wrappers, loose crumbs or any other pieces of trash.

"Oh my, Sundrop is quite talented with children. Look at how obedient they are to him" your mom smiled as she watched the children obediently throw away the trash and get the blankets and pillows out for naptime. "yeah, course moony's really good during naptime" you brought some blankets out for a few of the children and helped them choose a spot for their nap.

"Sunshine, are we all set and ready for naptime?" sundrop asked as he walked towards the daycare light switch, "sure are sunny" you responded as the children laid down on the floor and covered themselves with the blankets. "what's going on (y/n)?" your mom asked and looked at you with confusion.

"you'll see"

Sundrop flicked the switch and he immediately slouched as his appearance started to change until moondrop took over.

"sundrop could change looks?"

"kind of, this is moondrop or moony like I call him. He takes care of the kids whenever it comes to naptime." you introduced the other side of sundrop and moon gave your mother a sharp tooth smile. "ah, it makes sense. He's quite the opposite of sunny, its such a pleasure to meet you moondrop" your mom shook his hand and he responded with a similar smile. Unlike the mischievous ones that he gave you when he decided to fool around during naptime, this smile was a genuine one.

Suddenly, your watch that you had around your wrist went off, signaling that you've gotten a message. It was recently given to you by roxy, her reason behind it, is that your walkie-talkie was annoying so she gave you the watch as a replacement. Her "quote on quote" words, "this watch is much more stylish, course cause it has my design on it which is much better than that blank box" was what she told you.

Tapping the watch, you read the message written on the small screen.

'Monty fell into the gator golf water and he's in a desperate need of cleaning.'

The words made your eye twitch, what the hell? How did he fall into the water streams that were built into the golf course, but before you could respond back there was another message following after.

'P.S. you don't have to worry about him short circuiting. Monty was built to be resistant to water, so he just needs a cleaning' The message read and you let out a small sigh of relief. 'on my way' you replied back then turned to your mom, "mom, I have to go. Monty got into some trouble so I better head out and check up on him" you explained and she got up from the ground.

"that's quite alright, I think its about time for penny and I to leave. your sister should be back from work by now" she said and picked up your niece from her napping spot. "okay, hey moony, I'll come back later to help around" you said and moondrop stood up from his spot.

"Sure thing starlight, I'll see you then" he gave you a quick hug then turned to help your mom with the sleeping kids. "bye then" you gave them one last goodbye then made your way out of the daycare.

You mom smiled and adjusted the sleeping children in her arms, "thank you moondrop, you're such a helpful person" she said and moondrop kindly smiled at her. "of course, you don't need anymore help do you?" he asked and looked over the kids one last time to make sure that they were safely held. "no thank you, take care moony. I had fun today, I'll be sure to visit again sometime" your mom smiled and headed straight to the daycare gates.

His Gal (Monty x Reader) DISCONTINUED OLD BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now