Chapter 67

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The morning that arrived after returning back to the pizza-plex, you did your regular duty as normal.

You were exiting the pizza parlor located near bonnie bowl when your watch went off, a message had come in from susan.

"Hey, boss wants to see us in his office."

She texted, sending a winking chica sticker after the text. "God...he better not be giving me more work to do" you groaned and headed straight to your boss' office located nearby the atrium.

Knocking on the door of the office, it opened up to reveal your boss sitting at his desk. Lucy, susan and aiden were sitting on the couches located inside, the three waved at you with a nonchalant look in their eyes.

"(y/n)! There's my favorite head mechanic!" your boss gave you a smile as you took a seat beside lucy on the couch. "Sir, whatever you want, I'm not gonna do it. I have enough to deal with as it is" you glared, the older man chuckled as he held his hands up in fake surrender.

"Quick as ever (y/n), but don't worry your pretty little head. I'm not asking anything from you" he laughed.

"Then why are we here sir?" lucy asked curiously, "That will be explained soon lucy. we simply have to wait for john, he's busy getting rixie and foxy packed up to leave" he said.

That got your attention, "Leave? where is john taking rixie and foxy?" you ask. Not only because you were curious but because they were the key points to fixing monty. "You don't know (y/n)?" susan tilted her head with curiosity.

"know what?"

"Foxy and Rixie have been rented out for private party. We allow the animatronics to be rented out but its quite expensive, so its not that common for them to be rented for private parties. Sadly we will have to cancel one of the private parties that was scheduled for the upcoming month of october in the first week" your boss sighed.

"Why?" you ask again, your boss tired rubbed his temples. "A little girl named melody asked that monty be rented out for her party and her parents filled the paper work and everything. but as you know, monty is well..."

"Out of order" Aiden finished.

"oh..." a frown appeared on your face until the door burst open and john came running in with a disheveled looked. His hair was messed up in various places, his clothes were wrinkled up and he appeared out of breath.

"S-Sorry...Rixie...and foxy...didn't want to hurry up and get ready. I practically had to fight those two so they could get their costumes on" he walked straight to the couch where you and lucy sat.

He sat down beside you and slouched in his seat as he tried to regain his breath.

Your boss cleared his throat and smiled, "Anyways, now that my wonderful technicians and mechanics are here. Allow me to introduce you to the newest hire. He'll be working as an assistant manager for the technicians and mechanics, so he'll help you all out if you ever need it. come on in Bryce" he called and a man taller than both aiden and john walked in.

He appeared creepy to you with the way he smiled and looked at everyone in the room. Yeah, you weren't liking this at all...

Bryce had frosted tips in his brunette hair with several piercings in his ears.

"Bryce, allow me to introduce you to everyone. This here is lucy and susan, our lovely pair of mechanics" he introduced both women to him and they awkwardly shook hands with him. "Hello" they greeted and bryce smiled at the two, "its nice to meet ya ladies, might I say the two of you look quite gorgeous" he winked. Lucy glared at him while susan hid behind her girlfriend.

"Then here we have our technician/mechanic boys, aiden and john. I'm sure the three of you will get along just fine" he said.

John and aiden awkwardly shook his hand too, the look in their eyes were filled with disgust as they stared down the male in front of him. "Finally, we have (y/n). Our head mechanic, she's the brains behind the entire animatronics, she makes sure they're always in working condition" your boss smiled.

"Nice to meet you" Bryce held his hand out and you shook it. However, when you tried to pull away, you felt the male's hold on your hand tighten so you practically had to yank your hand away from him.


"anyways, now that we have introductions out of the way. Why don't the six of you go and have some fun? Get to know your new assistant manager, who knows maybe you might something in common with one another" Your boss eagerly shoved everyone out of his office and once everyone was out, it was quiet.

Nobody said anything until you decided to take the first action, "I'm out of here" you said without a care in the world. "where are you going (y/n)?" lucy asked raising her eyebrow. "I need to check up on the animatronics one more time. especially if rixie and foxy are gonne be gone for the entire day." you explained.

"Oh okay, have fun! we're gonna go see if some of the staff bots need fixing" susan waved as she and lucy left your group.

"Say (y/n), why don't I come along with you? I'd love to meet the animatronics in person" Bryce smiled and took a few steps towards you.

"uh...why?" you rose an eyebrow, bryce shrugged his shoulders, "I want to know what I'm gonna be dealing with. Plus, I can't let a cute face be alone with those dangerous beasts" he winked. Your eyebrow twitched with annoyance.

'So he's one of those other fuckers...' you thought.

"No thanks, I'm fine on my own" you waved him off but bryce reached his hand out to you. "Come on, I just want to make you're protected in case those things end up going haywire" his hand was about to touch your shoulder when it was harshly slapped away by aiden.

"Hands off pal, you heard her the first time. She doesn't need your 'protection'" john joined in as he crossed his arms. "What? I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just saying she needs a guy to protect her" bryce said.

"I have a boyfriend for that, just so you know" you scowled. "Really? where is then? does he work here?" bryce asked with a smirk. As if he was mocking you that you didn't have one. You clenched your teeth in anger until aiden pulled you back and stood in front of you to glare at the man in front of him.

"She does actually, He's just out sick. So Bryce, why don't you do us a favor and fuck off. we'll help (y/n) out with the animatronics" Aiden turned around and placed an arm over your shoulder your shoulder. John mimicked the same action and the two proceeded to lead you away from the guy.

"Thanks guys, he was really getting on my nerves and you know I can't really say who my boyfriend is since y'know" you admitted.

"You got a robotic alligator boyfriend. we know, but just listen to me this once, (y/n). I don't want you anywhere near that guy" aiden said, "Yeah aiden's right, he gives me the creeps. Something doesn't feel right with that guy" john agreed. They made a point, you felt the same way about that guy.

"I know, I don't plan on being anywhere near that guy" you said, "Good, who knows what kind of shit that fucker will do. Just remember, don't make contact and keep him far away from you".

"Got it, so shall we check up on the animatronics now?" you pointed straight to the hall leading to rockstar row. "Yep, like your boyfriend says. 'Let's Rock n Roll'" John joked with a wink as your little trio walked towards rockstar row.

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