Chapter 32

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The day finally came to an end and you were left alone, locked in may I say, with the animatronics in the pizza-plex. Wish to know how you were locked in the pizza-plex with them?

Well, when their performance was over. You gave them their usual praises for doing such a good job and they returned back to their rooms. You helped them with their fix and touch ups for the next few days, but you didn't know that monty decided to set up a trap.

So He was the main reason as to why you were locked into the pizza-plex.

What may that trap be? well let me tell you.

You were innocently finishing up fixing the joints in his arms when he asked you for a simple hug, now at first you were debating whether or not to allow him. But you gave in and gave him the hug he wanted but you were stuck sitting on his lap with your back to his chest as monty refused to let you go.

The two of you have been like that up until the voice intercom in the pizza-plex announced that the main doors were closing and would not be opening until 6 am, so here you are now, locked in with him. "Monty?" you called out to the gator, who's head was pressed up against your back, He was letting out nothing but deep guttural purrs as his arms were wrapped around your body and his tail was thumping against his couch.

It was cute honestly but you couldn't feel your arms anymore.

Monty made no sound to respond back to you, "oh come on, let me move please" you complained but again no response. It wasn't until there was a knock on the window did the two of you perk up at the sound.

Thank god somebody was coming to save you.

The door opened up and you heard roxy's voice, "Hey monty, (y/n) left gregory here and he's with freddy right now but we don't know what to-oh..." roxy took notice of your situation.

"what's uh-what's going on here...?" she asked and motioned to your current state.

"I fell into a trap..." you admitted to her. "He asked me for a hug and so I went in for one...but now...he's got me and he won't let me go!" you told her.

"Mine..." Monty replied after a while.

"Right, so I'm going to go and leave you guys whatever it is you guys are doing" roxy backed out of the room and ignored you as you shouted out to her to come back and help you.

"Monty, let go!" you tried to squirm away from his arms but his hold on you only tightened. "Mine" he repeated, with each second you tried to pry yourself away from him, he only repeated the words mine every time and continued to hold onto you.

"God damn it, you're clingy!" you said and gave up. "You should have thought of that before making up that damn game" he laid his head on your shoulder and closed his eyes. "Fine, I guess I'm to blame" you sighed.

"damn right you are"

It was quiet between the two of you until you decided to say it.

"Hey monty?" you asked as your face started to heat up, "yeah babe?" he opened an eye and looked at you from behind his shades. "What do you think-no-how would you feel...if I tell you...that I want to become an official thing with you?" you mutter the last bit quietly, monty's eyes immediately opened up.

"are you serious?!" he turned you around so the two of you could be facing each other. you could see on his face that he was absolutely thrilled with the way he was smiling at you and again, from his tail wagging. "well, yeah. I like you a lot actually...I have been for a while" you admitted.

"So that mean's you're my girl for reals now?" he asked with hopeful eyes.

"I always have been but this time its official"

His Gal (Monty x Reader) DISCONTINUED OLD BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now