Chapter 57

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The next day, early in the morning, Bonnie woke up first out of everyone. He let out a tired groan and held his head in pain. "my fucking head hurts~" he complained and looked over to his right. 

Foxy was snoring away on his couch as his arm was swung over his eyes and the other dangled off the couch. Bonnie let out a small chuckle and slowly got up from the floor. He placed one hand on his head and grabbed a blanket from the backroom where his charging station was kept. Bonnie carefully tossed the cover over his sleeping boyfriend's form and left his room.

"I wonder if the other's are awake" he said and looked through the window's of each green room. "nobody's awake" he said until a smile appeared, an idea popped up in his head and bonnie let out a few giggles. "This is good...very good..." he started to laugh out loud until he winced from the pain in his head.

"but I think I'm gonna get a painkiller first" he said and headed straight to the nearest medical bay where he remembered seeing a few painkillers.


Its been minutes now, and bonnie was exiting roxy and chica's rooms. The two had been placed in their corresponding rooms last night but bonnie still entered their rooms, he looked at the colored markers in his hands and placed the caps on it.

"Okay, my traps are set and I got chica, roxy, monty, (y/n)...all that's left is lil ol' freddy boy and rixie" he checked on rixie's room first but took notice that she wasn't in there. "Huh, she must be awake already...unless...".

He trailed off then quickly made a dash to freddy's room. Bonnie looked through the window and his grin grew at the sight of the two human animatronics asleep in each other's arms. "Ha! good god I'm gonna have more fun with them now." he snickered.

"Let's see pranking them won't be a good option, its too practical...what to do...what to do?" bonnie paced around until a lightbulb went off in his head. "I GOT IT!!" He exclaimed but quickly covered his mouth.

"I need a broom" he whispered and snuck off to get a broom.

It took a bit of time in finding one because the janitor's hid them away in the storage closets but when he managed get a broom. He snuck into freddy's room with the broom in hand.


Bonnie held the broom handle and slowly trailed the brush of the broom across freddy's face in order to wake him up. But nothing happened when he did it.

So he tried again, yet again, nothing.

"Wake the fuck up. its not time for hibernation!" bonnie whispered and this time he lightly smacked freddy's face with the broom's brush. Freddy frowned in his sleep and slowly shifted in place, "gotcha" bonnie literally smacked him in the face with the brush and exited the room when freddy started to wake up.

"Wh-Where am...I? Ow..." Freddy eyes winced from the bright light of his star shaped lights. He blocked the light with his arm until he let out a hiss of pain from the throbbing in his head. "ugh...I cannot believe that bonnie and monty managed to trick me into drinking with them...what a mistake." his eyes adjusted to the bright lights and slowly, he moved his arm away. 

That is until he felt a heavy weight on his chest, he looked down to see what was lying on him and when he saw the familiar silver hair, pointy fox ears and the massive black tail. His face turned to a bright shade of red.

'Wh-Why is she here? Was she the one who brought me back to my room? no no no! this is not right, friends cannot be found sleeping together like this! this is not right' those thoughts ran through freddy's mind, he gulped and slowly tried to move away but when rixie wrapped her arms around him and pressed her cheek against his chest.

He froze up.

'what am I suppose to do? I cannot simply remove her, that would be considered rude. she's peacefully sleeping and it would be terrible to move her away when she looks so comfortable' He was fighting his thoughts when there was a knock against the window of his room. 

Freddy slowly turned his attention to the window to see bonnie waving at him with a smile. A bright flash made freddy wince from the sudden light, when the light died down, he saw a fazcam in bonnie's hands along with a printed photo.

Bonnie waved the photo in front of the window that was taken just now and waved goodbye as he left. 'No no no! He's going to show it and everyone is going to think wrongly of this! I have to stop him' freddy slowly reached his hands up and tried to pull the sleeping fox away from him but it was useless as rixie's grip on him tightened and she continued to snuggle closer to him.

His breathing hitched when rixie nuzzled her face into his neck, by that time, freddy did the one thing he could think of doing. He grabbed the closest pillow beside him and covered his face with it before screaming internally.


Back with everyone else, they had started to wake up one by one.

Chica was the first one to wake up, she let out a yawn first thing when she got up from her couch. She headed straight to her vanity to get her hairbrush when she let out a shrill scream, her entire face was marked with permanent marker.

"who would do this?!" she fumed and marched straight to her door, when the door slid open to let her out, a bucket of flour was poured over her entire body.

Chica coughed and waved her hands around as she stood head to toe covered in flour.

Next up was roxy, the wolf let out a small snort as she woke up. Roxy ran her hands through her hair and let out a long yawn until she noticed chunks of silver hair on the floor and near her pillows.

"i-is that" she picked up the strands of hair and examined them until noticing some scissors on the table near her couch. Silver hair strands were around the scissors, at that time, roxy started to panic. She touched her hair and let out a loud scream as her hair felt choppy and stiff.

"MY HAIR!!" she shouted. 

Finally the final person to wake up was you. You woke up by the sound of muffled yells, or at least you thought they were yells. Until you saw monty wrapped up on the couch with a large amount of saram wrap. 

"monty, what happened?! hold on, I'll get you out" you got up from the floor and took a step forward when you felt the excruciating pain on your foot.

"FUCK!!" you yelled and fell back.

Laying in front of you were millions of legos, matchbox cars, toy blocks and jenga blocks. Those happened to be from the daycare and by god you were going to kill whoever placed them there.

Small A/n: Sorry for the short chapter but I decided to publish this now, so I can get to work on the next chapter. Which will be no, not in the good way. Believe me, now if you excuse me I have to work on the newest chapter which will contain plenty of an-I mean lovely content. So for now, hope you enjoyed this. Bye bye for now.

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