Chapter 78

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When those words were spoken, you cracked. 

Standing not too far away, mangle was busy placing blankets over the bodies of the sleeping children. She was making sure each and every one of them were warm and covered by the fluffy material, there was a smile present on her face from the sight of sleeping children. That is until the sound of something falling and crashing made her jump up in fright.

The loud noise caused the sleeping children to wake up too.

"What's that noise?"

"Miss mangle what was that?"

"Is there a monster in here?"

The children were waking up one after the other, mangle frantically waved her hands around. "don't worry children, I'm sure its just Mister Moon. get some rest now, okay? and I promise when naptime is over we can have a super fun puppet show" She told the sleepy children.

Their little heads nodded as they went back to sleep, mangle timidly fiddled with her hands. she debated whether she should check up on you and moondrop, finally she agreed and walked back to where you and moon previously were.

"M-Mister Moon? M-Miss (y/n)? is everything okay?"

Mangle peeked her head out from around the corner, she was shocked by the sight before her. You and moondrop were fighting each other, the toy barrels that were nearby had been tumbled down.

The small fox let out a terrified squeak that caught you and moondrop's attention, "Mangle! is everything alright?" moondrop asked as he held you in a loose chokehold, "Well...there was a loud noise that woke the children but um..." she whispered and looked down at the floor.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"no, of course not! this little brat was just about to leave!" moondrop glared with you mimicking the same glare. "Excuse me?! What did you call me you good for nothing big bro-OW!!" you hissed when moon pulled at your ear and a bit of your hair.

At that moment you reeled your arm back and punched him in his torso, not a wise choice to punch metal but who gives a shit? you were angry.

Mangle gazed with shock and fear as you and moon broke out fighting again, it wasn't until at one point did you get the upper hand. You were able to take moondrop down by drop kicking him, he was lying face flat on the ground with you triumphantly standing over him. perched on top of your head was his hat that you stole from him in the process.

"Not so tough now huh? I got your hat so take that you fucking bald-"

Your sentence wasn't completed because moondrop grabbed a hold of your shoulder and pulled you back down, continuing the ongoing fight.

The poor female that was watching everything took one step back before she fell back and fainted.


On the other hand, located across the pizza-plex, the animatronics were doing their best to calm their nervous alligator friend.

Freddy was the first to try, as the leader he believed that it was his responsibility to help his friends in any way necessary. He walked up to the alligator with a bright smile on his face, "Hello monty! how are you doing?" he asked.

Monty glared at freddy, "how do you think I'm feeling fazbear?" he snapped. monty didn't want come off as rude but the jitters were too much. "Apologies, it was a foolish question to ask." freddy apologized.

"Ya think?"

Freddy ignored the harsh comment, he only monty's wrist and pointed to the direction of fazerblast, "would you care to join me in a game of Fazer-Blast, monty? it may relax your mind" he smiled. Monty groaned, "No thanks freddy. not feelin' it" monty pulled his arm away from freddy's hold. He messed with his hair and left freddy behind.

His Gal (Monty x Reader) DISCONTINUED OLD BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now