Chapter 19

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The next few days were gone in the blink of an eye, despite the chaos that went around, you were in a happy mood once saturday hit. The first thing you did was get ready for your day planned with your friend.

You didn't think of wearing something fancy, so you kept it casual and comfortable. Just a simple pair of ripped skinny jeans, one of your favorite T-shirts and boots. You brushed your hair and styled it into (f/h/s) (favorite hairstyle). The finishing touches were just a bit of lip gloss and your bag along with your phone.

Opening the door of your room, you left and headed straight towards the front door without being noticed but that didn't help, "(y/n), good morning! Freddy and I made breakfast, sundrop helped too, would you like some before you head out?" Rixie poked her head out from the kitchen.

"Oh sunshine, you're going out again? you better eat eat eat, if you plan to be fully functional y'know, we made waffles!~" sundrop sang as he stepped out of the kitchen, he was wearing one of the extra aprons you had in the kitchen but he must have customized it himself because the apron was decorated with stickers, glitter glue and the words "Chef Sundrop" were embroidered into the main front.

"You're heading out (y/n), where too?" chica asked with a face full of food. Roxy and Monty were also intrigued while they ate their food. "Just meeting up with a few of my friends, that's all but I'll be back later, okay?" you knew that if you told them the truth, not only would you have the girls asking you questions but you'd have one angry gator to deal with.

You loved monty and you could tell that his flirty remarks actually had a meaning behind them but you didn't know how to feel knowing that he was a mechanical robot while you were a living human. It just couldn't be possible, right?

"alright, take care (y/n)" freddy waved and you left the house.

Just as you left, gregory came walking out of his room, "where'd (y/n) go?" he asked and took a seat beside chica at the table. "she said she was meeting up with her friends, here is your breakfast gregory" freddy placed the plate of waffles and a glass of fruit punch.

"thanks freddy, so you're saying that she went to see her friends which means that she didn't tell you where she really was going" gregory grabbed the bottle of syrup and poured a hefty amount of the sweet substance on his waffles.

"what do you mean by that kid, do you know where she's actually going?" roxy asked, gregory nodded and stabbed his waffles with his fork. "she's going out to meet up with a guy friend of hers for a date" he said. 

The word "date" crossed everyone's mind and slowly their eyes trailed over to monty, he was processing the words too but they took notice of the scowl forming on his face. "that's a good joke gregory, you really had us fooled" chica nervously laughed and patted the boy's head. "I'm not lying, I was there when the guy asked her out. Aiden I think was his name" gregory replied and took a bite of his waffles.

Monty was growing angry by the second as gregory spoke.

"h-honey, you must have misheard them. Maybe (y/n)'s just meeting up with this guy and the rest of her friends afterwords" rixie suggested, sundrop watched the alligator animatronic and the way his body started to shake with anger.

He didn't really have a positive feeling over monty and his liking for you but the thought of you going out with a random guy he's never heard of or met made his dislike for monty lessen.

'you think this is a good thing, sun?'

Moon's voice echoed through his mind, 'I don't know moony, I don't feel happy knowing that (y/n)'s going out with a random guy rather than someone we dislike but know well. but we shouldn't meddle with her life' he responded back to his brother. 'She's OUR friend sun...the only person in the entire world that was never felt afraid of who we are...and the only person we thought we'd never see again...ever since the incident' moondrop trailed off.

His Gal (Monty x Reader) DISCONTINUED OLD BOOKWhere stories live. Discover now