《Chapter 1》

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Xiao Zhan's POV

Everyone has that one day that makes them feel like the unluckiest person alive, right?

Well, today is that day for me.

My name is Xiao Zhan; I am a single 23 years old who lives alone, and I work as a dedicated 911 dispatcher.

I work four days a week and use the other three days to chase my dreams, as in my free time, I am a designer and sometimes design for contests, and I sing a lot when I get time for it.

Some would consider my life lonely, boring and a little bit plain, but I had wonderful friends, who I worked with at the basis of the 911 call centre.

But back to the story, this morning I woke up, an hour too late as I apparently had bumped snooze a little too often -which I, of course, didn't tell my boss/friend Xuan Lu- I mean, I don't even remember hitting that button!

After waking up an hour later than initially planned, which didn't dawn upon me until five more minutes had passed, and I was running the house upside down only to find my toothbrush that was downstairs.

I know, I know, I know what you must be thinking by now, and yes, I agree, I am a messy and forgetful person, but my life also gets filled with busy schedules, okay!

Well, the reason my toothbrush was downstairs was that the night before, the light upstairs in the bathroom started flickering, and it made me -no, I wasn't scared! Not at all!- I just didn't feel comfortable!

That's all!

Anyway, when I finally managed to get my stuff together and grabbed a coffee, I walked outside, planning to get to my car when I bumped against -I mean!! A stranger bumped against me!-.

So, me, holding my long-gone cold coffee in one hand and car keys in the other hand, this stranger bumped against me, causing me to spill all my coffee over myself.

I am basically a magnet for bad luck today; I was just so stressed because I had only half an hour left, and I had to be at work in twenty minutes while driving would take me already at least 10 to 15 minutes!

While I was worrying my head off, I totally forgot about the stranger who seemed just as shocked as I felt as he even tried to hopelessly pull up my cup of coffee that only had a few droplets left in it, the rest of the coffee was drying on the ground and my shirt.

The young male was so cute, looking scared and confused at the same time, giving me back my empty cup while he wiped my jacket clumsily with his hand as he unbrokenly kept apologizing.

I couldn't get a word between his apologies as the young male seemed caught up in his own world! 

When I finally managed to stop the man, he looked up, into my eyes, he had big brown doe eyes that were just breathtaking, but even before I had time to open my mouth, my phone loudly rang as I cursed the person inside my mind who was calling me.

The young male seemed surprised by the loud ringing as he quickly offered some ideas as to replace my jacket or clean it for me as I waved my hand in dismission.

I quickly explained to him he didn't need to and that it was just an accident, and before I could do much more, I had to leave because the person continued to call me, so I excused myself and left.

Now I think back; I could basically slap myself for not asking his number or name; the young male had been just so-


Well, as you can read, my day just started amazingly.

When I finally arrived at my work, Zhoucheng just looked up from his computer before going back to work as Haikuan did the same.

The only one to really react to me was Ji Li.

So when I stepped inside the room, Ji Li happily put on a Santa hat on my head before giving me an awfully creeping smile and pushing me towards the office doors of Xuan Lu, and I knew I was doomed.

"Jiayou, Daytoy!" I rolled my eyes, smacking Ji Li head as I pleaded with my eyes towards Haikuan, who gave me a sad smile and Zhoucheng, who just shrugged his shoulder.

"Heartless," I muttered under my breath as I heard Zhoucheng mumbling something along the lines of, "should you just wake up on time," Before Ji Li pushed me into the office.

I knew I was ten minutes too late, and Xuan Lu being the mother and my boss, gave me a lecture to be more careful and be on time the next time because this hasn't been the first time, and so on.

Back to the present, the whole morning, it had been actually quiet and calm, not too many calls.

Out of the blue, the phone rang as I woke up from my daze, picking up as I heard my own voice repeat the first sentence I always had to use, "911, what's your emergency?" I mentally prepared myself for anything that could happen.

Heavy breathing was all I heard in the first few seconds; although I wouldn't really say it was 'heavy', it was more like a child who had run a marathon breathing into the phone.

I was about to speak up when the other person on the line spoke up, "uhh . . . Daddy is crying." It was the voice of a young boy!

I frowned, looking into the tiny mirror on my desk, realizing the others had gotten a call too, except for Haikuan, who was bored fidging in his chair as he noticed me looking.

"Why is your daddy crying?" Again a silence of a few seconds on the other line.

"Uhh, daddy got scolded by granny that he still doesn't have a . . ." The voice of the kid trailed off as I hummed, waiting for the response of the kid.

Haikuan was raising his eyebrow as I shrugged my shoulders, knowing Xuan Lu was recording all of this.

"I think granny scolded daddy about something called a lover, so now daddy is crying, and Suo'er needs help with his math, but Suo'er doesn't want to bother daddy. So can you please help me, Mister?" I held back a smile, knowing I was going to get questions from Haikuan.

"What do you want me to help you with, Suo'er, getting your daddy a lover or your math?" A long stretched hum was the answer.

"Can Mister really get daddy an l-lover? But what is a lover, Mister?" I bit my bottom lip at the cute confused voice of the boy, imagining him pouting at this instant.

"Well, a lover is someone you love."

"So daddy is Suo'er's lover?"

"No! No, no no, not in that way, Suo'er." I could basically hear the kid pout through the phone as I shook my head with a silly smile.

"But why, Suo'er loves daddy really much! The most!"

"I know you do Suo'er-"

"Nooo! Mister doesn't know; daddy is Suo'er's . . . Lover! Yes, Lover!" I couldn't help the smile that escaped me as I took a deep breath.

"Suo'er, a lover is someone your daddy is ready to spend the rest of his life with, a person your daddy loves out of all people on this world-" Before I finished, my headphone got filled with cries of a child.

Did I lead a child to cry? Apparently, I did.

"Wait- Suo'er, I wasn't done explaining; your daddy loves you a lot, and you love your daddy a lot, but the love your daddy has for you isn't the same as the love your daddy will feel for a lover." The kid continued to cry as I felt the sound pierce through my heart.

"SUO'ER LOVES DADDY A LOT; IS SUO'ER NOT ENOUGH? WAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The kid continued to loudly whine and cry unstoppably as I put my headphones a bit further from my ear, making sure I wouldn't get deaf after today; it was better to take precautions.

Then out of nowhere, the boy stopped, in an instance, and I held my breath, scared of what was happening when I heard a muffled voice that sounded too familiar.

"Suo'er, what are you doing?"

"N-Nothing, daddy?"

Word count: 1423 words 

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