《Chapter 10》

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Xiao Zhan's POV

I placed my chin on Yibo's shoulder as I listened to him talking to his parents, "so also a hotdog?" Yibo took a twirl of my hair, playing with it as I smiled, not able to hear the response on the other line.

"Does dad wants sauce with his hotdog?" Silence as Yibo continued to play with my hair.

"With what kind of sauce does dad wants his hotdog then?" I bit back a little smile as Yibo twirled my hair around his finger, making me realize I had to get a haircut soon.

"Does dad only wants curry sauce or also with mayonnaise and onions, mom?" Yibo sighed as I blew a little air inside his air, getting him startled and squeaking.

I flashed a smile as Yibo continued to look at me, pouting with accusing big doe eyes that Suo'er uses too when he wants to get something.

"So dad wants a hotdog with mayonnaise, curry and onions? And a-ah, it was not a customer; it was just an f-friend who startled me a little." Yibo looked at me, his eyes widening as I held my head oblique.

Yibo looked at his phone, clicking on something as he placed the phone on the counter, eyes wandering towards the door of the shop before he spoke up, "mom, you're on speaker now; why did you want me to put you on speaker?"

"Can you hear me, the friend of my son Bo Bo?" I bit back a laugh as I answered, "yes, miss Wang."

A giggle got heard on the other line as the voice of a young lady was heard again, "if you're free, can you come by with Yibo, since I know my son and he doesn't have many friends. Something in the way he spoke makes me believe you aren't just a friend~".

"Mom!" Yibo groaned, burying his head into my chest as I laughed, hugging him while patting his back.

"I would love to meet you, miss Wang, and by coincidence, I am free this afternoon, so I guess we will meet soon." A triumph laughs as if she had won the lottery got heard on the other line as Yibo continued to groan, hitting me with his fists.

"We will meet soon, talk to you later, Bo Bo, and don't think that your mom is stupid just because she is getting old, huh!" I smiled as Yibo looked at me, pouting, and then the line disconnected.

"Do you want to tell your mom?" Yibo hummed; it sounded more like a thinking hum instead of a replying hum.

"Since I met your parents, it would only be fair if you met mine, but I just want to warn you, if they propose to you for me, please just reject it." A huffing laugh escaped my mouth as Yibo pouted, burying his face into the crook of my neck again.

"I am serious, Zhan!" I continued to laugh, not realizing Lily had walked into the kitchen until she spoke up.

"Back in college, his parents never approved any of his girlfriends because Yibo was their tiny precious baby and no one would be good enough, and now mister and miss Wang don't care any longer as long as they won't die knowing their son will live as a hermit. They even thought I was Yibo's girlfriend the first time he introduced me to his parents." Watching Lily say this with a straight face caused Yibo to flush even brighter, and I couldn't help but laugh endlessly.

My ears perked up when I heard the bell, meaning a customer stepped in; Lily glanced out of the door, shrugging her shoulders as she called out, "Shi Lin, we're here!"


Shi Lin?!

It can't be-



Yibo looked at me, face blushing and blinking his eyes, "you two know each other?" I coughed, unable to answer as I stared at Shi Lin, who had been holding Suo'er, who had jumped from her lap.

"Xiao Zhan is my cousin, Yibo," Shi Lin said quietly, her eyes sharp.

Suddenly the puzzle pieces clicked together inside my mind.

"That means that your girlfriend is LILY?" I turned to point at Lily, only to be faced by air.

"Took you long to realize, Zhan, but you had always been a slow one." Shi Lin flicked my forehead as she kissed Lily on the cheek with a smile.

She was so two-faced.

"Zhan ge ge! Zhan ge ge!" I looked down, feeling something tugging at my pants.

I crouched down, holding my arms open for Suo'er, who didn't hesitate to jump into my arms for a tight embrace.

"You two act like you haven't seen each other in decades while it has only been some hours, didn't Suo'er miss his own daddy more?" Yibo pouted, looking at me accusingly again as if I had stolen his child!

Suo'er came to me by himself!

I pouted back at Yibo, and Suo'er looked between Yibo and me.

"But- I love daddy very much too!" Suo'er pouted too, and as Yibo and my eyes met, we both burst out in a peal of laughter.

"Zhan, I want to make this clear, I don't care that we're family and bonded by blood; if you hurt Suo'er, I will haunt you." I frowned, glancing at Bo di, who had taken Suo'er from my embrace and was now playing with his chubby cheeks.


"Why?" Shi Lin impassively raised an eyebrow, slowly talking as if to imply on each word, "I don't like to see Lily sad, and Lily doesn't like to see Wang Yibo sad, and Wang Yibo doesn't like to see Suo'er sad. If Suo'er is sad, Wang Yibo will be sad, what makes Lily sad, and I will get sad if my girlfriend is sad and if your parents know I am sad, they will get sad too because we both know your parents adore me more than you. And if your parents come to know you're the reason everyone is sad, you better run." I laughed at Shi Lin's logic, knowing it was true though, my parents did adore Shi Lin a lot as a child.

When I was younger, it was always the two of us, Shi Lin and me.

Before I met Yibo, kids used to bully me, when Shi Lin noticed, she beat them all up for me, and when the principal confronted us, wanting me to say it was my mistake just because the principal was the father of one of the bullies, Shi Lin hit out principle square in the face.

Believe it or not, eight years old Shi Lin held quite some power in her fist because martial arts was her life; it ran in her blood.

It was the reason we moved to a new place, but before that, Shi Lin had somehow convinced her parents to hack into the school systems as both her parents were important business figures holding much power, and when they had access to the truth, they leaked the video.

And that was how the image of the principal got tainted and destroyed.

No matter how annoying Shi Lin could be, she was and would always remain my devilish cousin who would have my back.

Word count: 1336 words


I AM SO SO SO SORY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! My life is a mess and I am still figuring things out, I always read the comments even if I'd forge to react at times, I wanna thank everyone for the endless support and I promise to update tomorrow or Sunday! Promise!

And that chapter will be meeting Yibo ge's parents, if there is any confusion to this story, please tell me as I noticed some people still do not understand how Yibo go Suo'er if that's the case, just comment and I'll react!

Please vote, comment, and follow me for more works! All of your love is my fuel! Thank you once again!

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