《Chapter 7》

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Xiao Zhan's POV

"You really hate me, mom!" I looked up, putting my hand over my forehead where I banged it against the table.

I glanced sideways into the kitchen where my father stood, grinning like an idiot, putting up a board; your mother never forgets!

"Mom!" I pointed to the kitchen as she turned her head, but my dad was quicker; he acted like he was cutting the vegetables again!


My family hates me!

"What am I supposed to see, Zhan?" She turned to Yibo again, shaking her head, "you see, my son is now even delusional; are you sure you don't want to run now you still can, Wang Yibo? It's is your last chance." Bo di smiled softly, shaking his head as he rubbed his thumb over my hand.

"Well, Xiao Zhan, you chose a good boyfriend, but if you dare to lose him, then never call me mom again and don't ever return!"

"Mom~" I whined, looking at Bo di for help, but he only smiled.

"Bo Bo, tell me when he hurts you, yah? If he does, I'll make sure he'll lose his face that he doesn't even have; my son is so thick-skinned, gosh, it's really terrible! Image what I as a mother ha to go through, keeping this boy alive here! He once tried to eat paper, and that was only a few years ago! I swear, sometimes I just can't wrap my head around the fact that he still is alive!" I was gulping my water, and now I was choking.

I coughed as Bo di patted my back, and my mom in the background was laughing.

She was laughing while her son was basically dying!


"See, this is what I mean, Wang Yibo! He can't even drink properly!"

"If Zhan ge ge is choking, can I have Zhan ge ge's cake?" My mom laughed harder, taking my cake away from my view as she passed it to Suo'er, patting his head, and I pouted.

"Mohom~" I whined again.

"Zhan, you're already fat enough; Suo'er still needs to grow." I pouted, looking at Bo di, who smiled, kissing me on my cheek, and passed his piece of cake to me.

"We still have some time before dinner is ready, so do you want to tell me how you ended up adopting Suo'er?"

"I wanna know too!" I butted in, and my mom glared at me, and I looked down, defeated.

No one could win against a dragon mom like mine!


"Long story short, a few years ago, I was working in the bakery that day, alone, and it was really a quiet day with little customers coming by, but suddenly during noon, a girl came in. I think she was around the age of beginning twenties, and she seemed distressed with something in her arms, so I came out of the counter, walking towards her, wanting to help her, and she dashed my way. She pushed a crying baby into my arms and an oxygen mask; her words got distorted as she asked me the help the baby. So, I, of course, focused on the baby, but the moment I looked up, the girl/woman/lady or whatever we should call her was gone. I didn't know what to do and wanted to dash outside to find her, but I couldn't since the baby in my arms would get it cold that way, so I had just waited, calming the baby. That baby was Suo'er, and the girl turned out to be someone who couldn't take care of the child and gave birth herself. Suo'er would go to an orphanage, so I decided to adopt him because look at him, who could resist him." I felt my heart squeeze together at each word, glancing at Bo di, my Bo di.

Suo'er, on the other hand, seemed so unbothered as he continued eating his cake, putting his mouth full and leaving crumbles everywhere.

And for the first time, now I looked at my mom, I saw tears brimming inside her eyes.

"You're a really good man, Wang Yibo. I can't believe there are still youngsters like you if only Zhan could learn from you." I rolled my eyes, knowing my mom was going to say that.

She wouldn't miss any chance to lecture me.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, you ungrateful brat, look at your boyfriend, so decent, smart, kind and good-looking, and then look at you, in which aspect do you match him, huh! Tsk."

"Mom, you know, normally, Asian parents boost about their kids to heaven, and you?" She smiled coldly.

"If you didn't forget my birthday, none of this would have happened."

"Your mom is like this; you should have known that by now, Zhan," Zhouxuan said, leaning over my shoulder to place some dishes as she smiled at Yibo.

"I hadn't gotten the chance to introduce myself yet; I am Chen Zhouxuan, Zhan's friend." Wang Yibo took her hand and shook it, introducing himself and Suo'er.

As Zhouxuan left our table, a silence fell.

It only took a few seconds before Suo'er broke it because he burped, rubbing his tummy with a satisfied look.

"SUO'ER!" Wang Yibo buried his face into his hands as I laughed; Chen Zhouxuan passed my mom a tissue to rub Suo'er's face that got filled with leftovers of the cake.

He looked like a cookie monster.

"It's okay, Bo Bo, no need to be embarrassed about such a trivial matter; I mean, after having taken care of Zhan my whole life, this is literally nothing." I groaned.

"Mom, can't you just say one good thing about me?" I begged as she stared at me.

"But I can't tell something good when there is nothing good to be spoken about you." I buried my head into Bo di's shoulder as he laughed, patting my head.

"Ann, stop teasing Zhan so much; he is a good kid. Wang Yibo, did you know that Zhan in the seventh grade once got between a bully and the victim to stop a fight and got a book smacked to his face?" I felt Bo di shaking his head as I knew what scenario my father got indicating.

"That idiot!" My mom hissed.

"Well, Zhan did, and there was still a scar remaining on his face; it's tiny and almost invisible, but at the time, it had bled quite a lot, but Zhan not once cried, he kept his head high and faced it all. That night we had asked Zhan about it. We asked him if he would do it again if he could redo everything, and he strongly said yes. He has a good moral compass, at least, but that's probably also everything has." I groaned.

"Dad! You're just as mean as a mom, giving me false hope!" He laughed, leaving to the kitchen again, but not before he pressed a kiss on my mom's cheek.

Suo'er looked up, "why do aunty and uncle do kissie kissie?"

My mom blushed like a teenager as she smiled, "because we're lovers, Suo'er, you'll understand once you grow up."

A tiny cute frown appeared on Suo'er's face as I took a sip of my drink.

"But does that mean daddy and Zhan ge ge are lovers?"

I choked.


Word count: 1224 words 


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