《Chapter 2》

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Xiao Zhan's POV

I sighed, the appealing scent of the fries filling my car as I looked in the rearview mirror.

Although I didn't do much, I kept thinking about that first call I got in the afternoon from the little boy.

He immediately hung up after his father got heard in the background.

I shrugged my shoulder, reminding myself I shouldn't but head into others personal life while opening my package of fresh-made fries.

"Nothing better than fresh fries with mayonnaise on an empty stomach!" I took a fries, looking for the sauce as a frown appeared on my face.

"Wait! Where is my mayonnaise!" I groaned, picking up my paper bag of fries, opening my car with the other hand as I walked into the small shop for the second time today.

Once again, I was greeted by the same lady with emerald eyes, her name tag reading Lily.

"Can I help you once again, Sir?" I opened my mouth to talk, but where I was supposed to hear my own voice, my ears got met with another one.

"LILY!" A tall man with a pink apron appeared in front of my sight as I took a step back.

My eyes unconsciously scanned down the man who looked tall and clumsy as he fidges with his fingers, whispering something in the lady her ear.

When he looked up and our eyes collided, his eyes were stuck on my face; for a second, I was scared I had something on my face before the young male's face turned red, and he looked back at the lady.

"Please excuse me," the lady, Lily, muttered as it was only the cute male and me who got left behind.

My heartbeat was having a drumming solo inside my ear.

"C-Could I help you?" The young man stared down at the counter, biting his bottom lip, now fiddling with his apron.



*Xiao Zhan's exe stopped working*

*Xiao Zhan's exe reboot*

*Xiao Zhan's exe reinstalling*

My brain was a shortcut as I cursed myself.

I quickly placed my fries on the counter to give myself posture as I opened my mouth, this time, hearing my own voice, "uhh- I ordered fries with mayonnaise, and I only got the fries." The male looked up, first at me, before his eyes went to the fries on the counter, a tiny frown blossoming on his face.


I cursed my brain as I pinched myself.

The young man extended his hands, ripping apart a little bit more of the paper on the fries revealing the sauce.


I felt the heat rise to my face as suddenly the young male burst out in giggles.

He was giggling!

I made him giggle!

*Error detected*

*Zhan's exe stopped working due to an overload of cuteness!*

I just continued to stare at the male like a crazy idiot, unable to avert my eyes from the angel in front of me.

I realized that if Ji Li would had been here with me, at this exact moment, he would have made this cute male go on a date with me one way or another.

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