《Chapter 8》

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Xiao Zhan's POV

After we finished dinner, Wang Yibo insisted on helping my parents clean the dishes, so he went into the kitchen to be interrogated by my dad this time.

My mom had taken Suo'er to clean his face as he was a clumsy eater, but when I pointed it out, my mom fired back, saying I was worse.

"You know how your parents are, Zhan. You'll understand it once you grow up~" Chen Zhouxuan laughed, taking the seat opposite of me.

"My mom seems to like Bo di more than me, her own blood-related son!" Zhouxuan giggled.

"She does; it's not your assumptions. And Wang Yibo is cute, polite, nice and smart, so I think it's easy for your mom to like him." I groaned.


Now my mom got going to spend more time with Wang Yibo than I do!

I hadn't even asked Bo di to be my boyfriend; he must be scared by now.

"Zhan, you know your mom also wants the best for you; she has always cared about you and adored you since you're her only kid. She's just not ready to see you grow up this fast yet, especially now you work a little while away. Your father is like you, less attached, but your mom is an emotional person; I got assured she'll shed tears when you're going to leave tonight." I nodded, sighing.

"I love my mom too, but-"

"Zhan ge ge~" Suo'er came running towards us on his short legs, my mom walking behind him, smiling softly.

"Your mom has always loved kids, more than teenagers. She just doesn't know how to handle you know you aren't the little boy you used to be because, in her eyes, you always stay her little one," Zhouxuan whispered before standing up to walk towards the kitchen, her eyes catching mine before she turned the corner.

Suo'er jumped up and down as I crouched down, picking him up.

"It's getting late, but here around the corner on the field, they have set up small markets, and they're setting off lanterns in a few hours; you could check it out with Wang Yibo and Suo'er; they will probably love it." I nodded, playing with Suo'er's tiny fingers.

"But it isn't as beautiful as it would be in Congqing, isn't it, mom?" She looked at me, her eyes soft, and she smiled, giving me a nod.

"I always thought that no place would be home if it isn't Chongqing, but I discovered that everywhere is home, as long as we can see you, Zhan. I saw Zhouxuan talking to you, and I probably can already guess what that girl was speaking about to you. She's lovely and loyal, but she'll soon depart ways with us too."

I frowned, "is she going to stop?" My mom shrugged her shoulders.

Zhouxuan had been with us for as long as I could remember, she was an orphanage, and when she reached 18, she came living with us and started working for my parents.

"Well, she didn't say she wanted to quit, but these days, when we walk over the market, I see how Zhouxuan looks around; Chen Zhouxuan isn't the teenager that she once used to be. She wants to discover the world too. So I am planning to let her go soo; I can see it in her eyes; she wants to go on her own adventure." I heard the pain drip from my mom's voice as I leaned towards her, placing my head on her shoulder.

"You're amazing, mom," I whispered, holding Suo'er tightly against my chest, feeling his heartbeat against mine.

"I know I am not visiting often, but you need to take good care of yourself and dad, mn?"

"Of course, brat." I laughed, patting Suo'er's back as I saw Wang Yibo emerge from the kitchen, wiping his hands as he smiled at me.

"You're lucky to have him in your life." I nodded, knowing that.

"Wang Yibo, I know it's already late, but there is a festival here a few streets away; you should check it out with Zhan, it's only once a year, but it will be totally worth it." Wang Yibo blinked, first looking at Suo'er, who was now energetic out of nowhere, stomping his feet and trying to get out of my embrace.

"Festival! Festival! Suo'er wanna see festival!" I laughed, patting his hand as I put him down on his feet.

"Zhan, you were just like Suo'er when you heard the word festival at his age." Yibo sighed, smiling.

"I think I don't have any other choice than to comply now Suo'er heard the word. Although I must warn you, Zhan, he will only be eating and wanting to be held, that little gremlin." Suo'er grinned, jumping up and down again.

"Suo'er gremlin and daddy and Zhan ge ge lovers," Suo'er said, grinning as I coughed, trying to suppress a smile while Yibo became red again, hiding it behind his hands.

"Actually, Suo'er, I haven't asked your daddy to be my lover yet, so Wang Yibo, do you want to do me an honour and be my lover?" I knelt down on one foot as Zhouxuan came rushing towards me, pushing a rose in my hand before taking her phone to record everything.

Wang Yibo peeks through his fingers, his face reddening even more.

"Zhan~" He whined, and I smiled.

"Bo di, what is your answer?"

"Y-Yes~" I jumped up and hugged Bo di, so strongly that I ended up squeezing him.

Wang Yibo used his hands made into a fist to hit me on the chest, a sign to let him go as I smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

"Thank you for making me the luckiest man on Earth, Bo di!" Wang Yibo buried his face into my shoulder as a giggle erupted from Suo'er.

Slowly, Wang Yibo detached himself from my shoulder, and he accidentally looked right into the camera of Chen Zhouxuan.

When he realized that, Yibo didn't hesitate and buried his face into my crook again, embarrassed I smiled, patting his back.

"Zhan~ You're so mean~".

Word count: 1027 words

How to get your daddy a lover《Zhanyi》Where stories live. Discover now