《Chapter 5》

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Xiao Zhan's POV

"Jeez, our Daytoy looks like he's flying; what's so important that you're so quick?" Ji Li laughed as I glared at him.

"Normally, Zhan Zhan is as slow as a handicapped grandpa; so, tell us, or we'll inform Xuan Lu." I groaned at Zhoucheng's words.

"I have a date with Bo di!"

Haikuan turned around, just done with his call, frowning.

"Wang Yibo?" I nodded eagerly.

"Don't hurt him, or I'll tell Xuan Lu," Haikuan grinned, returning to his work as my eyes widened.

"Wait! Isn't he supposed to say that to Wang Yibo!? Why is he threatening me!? Ugh! I want new friends~" I whined as Zhoucheng ignored me, and Ji Li just laughed, standing up to push me out of the door.

"JIAYOU, Daytoy! And remember, be a gentleman, not an old grandpa, and please, I beg you, do not make those boring jokes of yours, or he'll be on the run for you." I rolled my eyes, pushing Ji Li back as I ran out of the building.

The adrenaline got running through my veins, and I couldn't wait to meet Bo di!

I quickly drove to the shop of Bo di, where he was waiting outside with Suo'er, and I smiled at the sight, stopping the car and stepping out to open the other side for Bo di and Suo'er.

Wang Yibo stepped in with Suo'er as I started the engine again, glancing in the rearview mirror at the two with a smile.

"Where will Zhan ge ge take us to?" I smiled, looking at Wang Yibo, who adjusted his shawl.

"To a place where we'll sell, Suo'er!"

"AH!" A scream got heard through the car as I laughed, driving around the corner as Yibo looked at me, an amused smile dancing on his face.

"Daddy~" Suo'er held tightly on Wang Yibo's arm, pouting.

"Zhan ge ge is so mean~" I laughed, continuing to focus on driving.

Turning on the radio, I listened to the Christmas songs while Wang Yibo was humming along with the songs.

"LAST CHRISTMAS, I GAVE YOU MY HEART~" Suo'er sang loudly, and Wang Yibo's cheeks burned red as I laughed harder.

"Suo'er, who taught you that song?" Before Suo'er could answer, Wang Yibo placed his hand over Suo'er's mouth, and I giggled, seeing Suo'er struggle against Yibo.

The time quickly flew as I ended up parking, and I opened the door and let myself out first.

I stood in front of my car door, looking into the window as I saw Bo di struggle open the door before I saw the realisation dawn upon his face.

He pouted at me, and I laughed.

I opened the door, and Suo'er jumped out and then Wang Yibo.

"Kids lock, you may never know if Bo di would suddenly jump out of my car while I was driving. I must take precautions, rather safe than sorry~" Wang Yibo gave me a playful slap, continuing to pout as Suo'er was jumping up and down, full of adrenaline.

I took the lead as Wang Yibo followed, his hand linked with Suo'er.

Suddenly, Suo'er started jumping again, grabbing onto my hand and the three of us held hands, walking towards the restaurant.

I was about to open the door, but Wang Yibo was quicker, opening it for Suo'er and me; he was a real gentleman.


No, it looked rather like Yibo was helping an old handicapped man.

Ugh, I cursed Ji Li inside my mind for putting such thoughts inside my mind.

A waitress came toward us, her eyes widening as she saw us, "Zhan ge?" I smiled, greeting Chen Zhouxuan, but there was something visible in her eyes that I couldn't quite place.

She almost looked scared.

"And who's this?" She crouched down to greet Suo'er as Suo'er giggled, looking like he already liked Zhouxuan like everyone often would.

"A table for three?" I nodded, and Chen Zhouxuan led the way; occasionally, Yibo would glance at me, but I gave him a dismissive hand, waiting to first get down to a table.

When we were seated, Wang Yibo was about to open his mouth when Chen Zhouxuan passed us the menu before bowing and excusing herself.

"You two know each other?" Jealousy dripped out of his voice as I laughed.

"Chen Zhouxuan is my childhood friend, we studied the same course, and we still are close friends; I consider her family." Yibo nodded, looking down at his menu and then at Suo'er.

I looked down at my menu, noticing a paper slipped into it. I folded it open immediately knowing, that the handwriting belonged to Chen Zhouxuan; I frowned before reading it.


My heart missed a beat.

My parents weren't supposed to be here at Christmas!

Every year they would go on some holidays during Christmas!

I cursed inwardly, glancing up at Wang Yibo, who was playing with Suo'er.

"B-Bo di? Perhaps we should eat somewhere else," I heard my own voice shaking as Wang Yibo glanced up at me, frowning.

"What's wrong with this place, and isn't your friend working here too?" Thousands of lies swarmed inside my mind, but I couldn't find the right one.

"I remembered another place that would be more exciting for Suo'er to visit!" I knew how bad my lie was, but Wang Yibo only nodded, slowly giving in.

And thank God!

We stood up, and I helped Suo'er put on his coat as he pouted, making grabby hands as I picked him up.

"Where are we going, Zhan ge ge?"

"To another place," I answered, patting his head as Wang Yibo leaned against me, smiling softly.

"You're spoiling him too much, Zhan. What will happen when you leave me alone with this gremlin. He will want me to hold him forever; do you know how heavy he is~" Wang Yibo whined as I laughed.

Suo'er pout increased as he pulled his lower lip down, making puppy eyes, but Wang Yibo seemed unaffected as he squeezed Suo'er's cheeks.

"You exactly know what I am talking about, little one!" Suo'er grinned, hiding his smile behind his tiny hands as we quickly walked towards the exit of the restaurant, but before we could take a step outside, a thundering voice got heard behind us, and I knew we were doomed because we got found.


Word count: 1075 words 

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