v. Freya Goes to Midgard

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In Asgard, Freya sits among her friends in a room of the palace

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In Asgard, Freya sits among her friends in a room of the palace. Once the dark haired Asgardian found out about Thor's exile, she felt extremely guilty. She should have tried harder to convince Thor that going to Jotunheim was a bad idea like she knew it would have been. Hogun walks over to take a seat next to Fandral as Volstagg speaks up, "We should never have let him go."

Sif shakes her head as she looks over at the redheaded Asgardian, "There was no stopping him."

Fandral, who sits on the ground in front of the fire with his shirt open, looks between his friends as he says, "Well, at least he's only banished," Hogun walks over to Volstagg, "Not dead. Which is what we'd all be if that guard hadn't told Odin where we'd gone." Hogun rubs a salve on Volstagg's burn, causing the redhead to jolt away and look over at the Asgardian with pain written across his face.

Loki looks down at his hand and turns it around in the light. Hogun continues to rub the salve on Volstagg, who gestures with his hand as he asks, "How did the guard even know?"

Loki looks over at Volstagg and says, "I told him." The five warriors look at Loki, who looks away.

The blonde Asgardian warrior furrows his brows as he asks, "What?"

Loki looks over at Fandral and explains, "I told him to go to Odin after we'd left. He should be flogged for taking so long." Sif turns her head and locks eyes with Hogun. "We should never have reached Jotunheim."

Volstagg shakes his head as he angrily asks, "You told the guard?"

Loki looks over at the redheaded Asgardian and speaks with tears in his eyes as he plays with his hands, "I saved our lives. And Thor's. I had no idea father would banish him," Loki throws up his hands, "For what he did."

Sif gets up and walks over to the dark haired prince as she says, "Loki. You must go to the Allfather and convince him to change his mind."

Loki stares at the female warrior and asks, "And if I do, then what? I love Thor more dearly than any of you, but you know what he is. He's arrogant. He's reckless. He's dangerous." Loki looks around at the rest of the warriors before he looks back to Sif, "You saw how he was today. Is that what Asgard needs from its king?" Without another word, Loki storms out of the room.

Freya gets up and calls after Loki, "Loki, wait!" When the raven haired prince makes no move to stop and listen to Freya, the dark haired Asgardian moves to follow after Loki.

As Freya passes Fandral, the blonde warrior gets to his feet and grabs onto Freya's arm and tells her, "Just let him be. He needs some time."

Sif turns to look at her friends as she says, "He may speak of the good of Asgard, but he's always been jealous of Thor."

Freya shakes her head, "He may be jealous of Thor, but he would never do anything to harm us or his brother."

Volstagg nods his head before he looks to the doors where Loki left and scoffs, "We should be grateful to him, he saved our lives."

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