Gotta Love Old Cars

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My alarm went off at its usual time: 6:40. It gives me at least 20 minutes to mentally prepare for my day, plus Jack has never been a morning person. Guess he got that from me. I began my usual morning stir and stretch. I sat up in my bed staring at my wall. Now, it may seem weird but staring at the wall in the morning is kind of of my routine. I gently brushed my hand on the other side of my bed, taking in the difference of temperature. It's been cold ever since Hannah left.

Hannah packed her bags shortly after Jack was born. We never planned for the whole "kids and white picket fence thing" but after we found out, we had become more excepting of the pregnancy. At least that's what I thought. The doctor said she was just experiencing depression throughout the pregnancy which was normal, but Hannah would confide in me that she wasn't ready to be a mom. We had agreed that I'd keep Jack and she'd come by to visit but she hasn't been back since. It's been two years. I've coped with her leaving and even went on a few dates since. Nothing permanent though, my main focus has been Jack.

Speaking of, I heard him try to open my door and I met him there. After waiting for him to eventually get it, he welcomed me with his morning smile. He's such a happy three year old.

"Morning papa" Jack came in for a hug. I pulled him up to my chest and snuggled him. "Morning bee." Jack has almost blonde hair that droops into his face. He was wearing his favorite Batman pajamas (that really needed to be washed) we're covered in a juice stain that I wasn't even going to try and recall from when and he was cradling his stuffed bee. It was my first gift to him when he was in the hospital and I had forgotten to bring a toy for him. What can I say? The hospital gift shop was selling and I love bees.

I carried him back to his room and attempted to lay out his clothes for the day.
"Papa, I wanna do it. I wanna wear my pjs to school!"
"Jack, you can't wear your pjs today. They're dirty and last time you did, Ms. Anna insisted you changed into something else." I knew my answer would disappoint him but I really didn't feel like arguing with him this morning. We continued our routine as scheduled after Jack pouted at me. He didn't talk to me all morning but I knew he'd get over it, he always did. I hated seeing him upset but we had to get moving so I wasn't late to the school this morning.

After Jack ate each one of his Cheerios at a time, he swore they were mini donuts that had to be eaten with the most delicacy, we scrambled out the door to the driveway. I loaded him into his car seat and dropped his bag next to him. He ditched his bee in the house and now played with his nosy toy car that always stayed in the car. I noticed Jack was still upset and not being able to bare it any more, I honked his car at him. He smiled back up at me with his big smile that I missed.

"You're silly, Papa!" We both chuckled and I kissed his forehead. I made my way to the front seat and started up my '78 Lincoln Continental. It takes a little while for it to start up sometimes, so when it finally got going on the third time I let out my sigh of relief. We got about five minutes on  the way to daycare when my car - no, my antique - decided to stop.

"Dammit" I just hit my head in the wheel. Of course my car decided to break down today. Then all of a sudden I hear cackling from the back seat. I turn to see Jack smiling back at me.

"Car stop Papa?"
"Yeah Bee, it stopped." Then Jack playfully honked his car back at me and laughed.
"Now car go papa!" His laughter brought a slight smile to my face but I was still upset.
"Jack, my car's misfortunes should not be humorous."


I had the car towed to the nearest garage, Bobby's. Our town was not big so I had kind of known him. I was expecting him to greet us at the garage doors but was surprised to see a new guy. He was taller, strong built. He looked familiar but I couldn't recognize him. He walked over to me and Jack, who was now in my arms holding the damn noisy toy car. He honked his car at the friendly man when he came over. "Jack..." I had glared at my son. It wasn't an intimidating glare, just one that clearly said now was not the time to honk toy cars at attractive men. I'm not sure why I just thought that. Now I'm mentally telling myself now is not the time to be attracted to the guy working on your car.

"It's alright, buddy. I take it you like cars too?" The man's attention was solely on Jack now and I couldn't help but feel weirdly jealous. Then his eyes met mine. And damn, he has some real attractive eyes. I've always been attracted to people's eyes and his might have become the most beautiful I've ever seen. They were like apple green and sparkled when he smirked. I guess he saw me staring cause he interrupted my thoughts.
"My name is Dean. I bet you were expecting Bobby?" He had a deep voice that matched his build, but he sounded nice. It was almost pleasing. "I'm Castiel Novak and yes, I am used to him welcoming people to his garage. Though I don't mind that it's you." Dammit that last part was meant for my head. Hopefully that didn't come off weird. Dean just chuckled. "I'm like his son and I just started working here. I can take a look at your car but it might take awhile." Great. Now I'd be spending the day at a car garage with my wild toddler and an attractive mechanic.

"That's no problem with me. Do you mind if I stay here? I don't have a ride anywhere else." "Of course, there are some chairs in Bobby's office you guys can relax in." He gave me another smirk and led the way. This guy was charming, I'll give him that.

I set Jack down and I had to call my work to tell them I wouldn't be in today.
"Dean, I'm sorry if I'm asking to much but would you mind watching him for a second while I call my boss? Not sure how he's gonna feel about me missing today."
"Yeah it's no problem at all" he said smiling at me. I watched as he kneeled down to Jack or engage conversation but Jack was kind of shy around strangers. I stepped outside to call my boss and older brother, Michael. He was the principal at the high school I taught at. He wasn't upset and was more concerned that I was still attempting to get around in my crappy car. Truth be told, it was a gift from my father, Chuck, that he left to me before driving an R-V around the country. I only kept it because a teacher's salary doesn't cover a kid and a new car.

After a brief conversation with Michael, I stepped back into the office but stopped shortly at the doorway. Jack was actually playing with Dean! It was shocking to see considering Jack hated holding conversations with my family but he talked to easily to Dean. Dean was impressed by his toy car and even ruffled Jack's hair as he stood up. "Sorry, we just got carried away. Who knew a two year old would be so interested in car parts."
"No it's all good. Honestly I'm just happy he's talking to someone. He's rather shy."
"Not shy, papa!" Jack cut me off. We all laughed.
"So, how'd the boss take it? They're not gonna let you go now, are they" he said in a sarcastic tone.
"Nope, I fortunately get to keep my job for another day" I responding, making sure to add just the same amount of wit.
"So, if you don't mind me barging into your life," I shot him a glare. He looked to me and got the concern and smiled. "What's your job?"
"That's it? Here I thought you were gonna shake me down interrogation style." We laughed. God, his laugh was intoxicating. "I teach at the local high school. Both 10th and 11th grade history."
"That's funny, my brother goes there, 11th grade now, and he's never mentioned you before."
"We'll Dean, my students don't know me well. It's only my second year." I stated matter of fact.
"Oh c'mon, that's not true! You seem like a great guy Castiel and I'm sure your students like y 'a" I'm not really sure why we were pressing this but conversation seemed nice. I enjoyed chatting to Dean, even if it was about my work.

"We'll as nice as this is, I guess I should do my job and work on your car. Wouldn't want to keep you waiting."
"Yeah we'll that would be nice" I smiled. He waved me off and was about to get to work. I sat in the chair besides Jack and handed him my phone knowing it would keep him quiet for a little bit. I watched as Dean when over to his phone and plugged up some music. Next thing you know Van Halen is playing and Dean is looking at the hood of my car. Well another thing to add to his list is his good taste in music.

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