Apple Pie Life

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If anyone had tried to tell Dean Winchester that he'd be happily settled with the love of his life and an energetic son, he may have laughed outwardly in their face. I only know this because Sam has made many jokes along these lines in just the past two years where I have considered him family.  Dean has grown from a lost hunter searching for his own identity to a loving family man, which is something I have insolently told him to his face. Unfortunately, Dean Winchester does not take well to praise and has often denied his positive influence on both Jack and I's life.

I had a taste for it once - the "Apple Pie Life" as Dean would call it - but I lost someone I cared about and struggled in my own way to raise a growing toddler. The taste of contentment felt stale on my tongue, for I never expected to experience real love again. That was until my old car bit the dust and caught a handsome auto mechanic in the midst. It truly is crazy for me think that our story can be told so easily without much drama, save for the usual couple bickering, but I have been grateful to even admit that.

I am now able to walk amongst our new living room and trace my fingers along the pictures resting on our mantel. There at the end is a snapshot from Jack's birthday, assumably after Dean and I's first engagement. Next to it is a picture of Sam's high school graduation because, wow, I guess it has been that long. Next sits the picture of Dean and Bobby outside of the garage, they had just done some minor renovations and Bobby surprised Dean by asking him to share ownership. Dean was very proud in that moment and even in the picture, all anyone can see is a proud father and his son. Last and definitely not least is a picture of our wedding day. Huh, I remember this moment very well.

Jack, Gabriel, and I were coming from our home. We had just bought it this past May and had started some renovations, at the time there were still exposed walls upstairs but it didn't matter, it was home. I had thought to go with the blue tie to adorn my gray suit, Dean would later say it brings out my eyes. Gabe hadn't pestered me much that day and focused most of his attention on dressing Jack, which, of course, was much more stressing.

"Which tie, Bee?" I asked Jack who was fixing his shoe lace. He looked carefully and tilted his head similarly to myself. He agreed, "The blue one, Papa! It matches you better." I picked my son up and hugged him. To my surprised he smiled back, "You look very handsome, Papa." I blushed, figuring he must have learned that word of affection from Dean.

Even still, I remember the nerves I felt. It wasn't because I feared marrying Dean, it was more because I was curious to see what came next for us. Dean jokes that I am the optimist in our relationship, but in that moment I feared every bad ending to our story. Gabe snapped me out of it quick by reminding me we still had a wedding to catch.

"Ceremony starts at 3, dude."

"I know," I said. Gabe sighed and checked his wristwatch, "And its 2:15."

"Yeah, Gabe, I am aware." I starred at my reflection in our bedroom mirror, I could do this.

"Well don't get cold feet now! You're in way too deep, hell, you're raising a kid together" Gabe said as he practically dragged me out of the room. Jack followed and nodded his head, so he must have, too, noticed my anticipation, even as a five year old. So we climbed into Gabe's hideous car and rushed to the barn to get married.

My stomach was in knots when we arrived. Charlie thought it would be a cute idea for Dean and I have a "first-look" where we'd see each other first to calm our nerves before the actual ceremony. Gabriel must have sensed my tension as we left the car to walk to the back of the barn, "C'mon baby bro, I know you're nervous but Dean's definitely a keeper. You have nothing to worry about." He was right. I had my handsome fiancé waiting for me just around the corner. I could hear the sounds of Sam and Dean talking, no doubt it was pointless brotherly bickering. I rounded the corner first to see Dean's back was facing me and he was already waiting for my arrival. Even from the back he looked good. His hair was gelled just right and he wore a tailored black suit, I only wondered what color tie he chose. Sam must have noticed my presence because he stilled Dean who looked like he was about to turn around. Charlie, who was in our small wedding party, looked up and gleamed as she took out her phone to record the moment.

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