Is this a Date?

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The end of the day had finally rolled around and I was more than excited. I would finally have a night off from my parental duties, hoping to get at least buzzed while I was at it. Not that caring for Jack was a burden, but I was more than excepting of one night off, which is something I haven't seen in years. After Gabriel picked me up from the school at around 5, even though I clearly said 4:30, we headed to Jack's daycare. When we arrived, Jack was the only kid left, which was unusual for us. Ms. Anna wasn't upset and even said Jack was a pleasure to sit with while they waited for us to get him. I simply smiled as gratitude.

"Uncle Gabby was late, huh Papa?" Jack said as he folded his arms in false annoyance. I laughed and Ms. Anna chuckled as Gabriel stood flustered. He quickly picked Jack up and tossed him around playfully. Jack always loved playing with his Uncle Gabby. I thanked Ms. Anna for staying late with Jack and we all headed home. By the time we arrived, it was a little past six and I decided to put some Dino nuggets in the oven for Jack.

"Cassie, go on and get ready for your date"
"Gabe, it is not a date. And I can still take care of -"
"No need, baby bro. I'm still here for a reason other than to steal Jack's nuggets. And please, I haven't seen you his giddy in a about 3 years so I'd call it a date."
I simply scoffed and walked to my room upstairs. It was only then when I realized I had practically nothing to wear. I mean I could stay in my work clothes from the day but that seems a bit formal for few drinks with a guy. I practically trashed my closet looking for a plain sweater and settled for my blue knit sweater I had received as a birthday present from Micheal last year. I threw on some dark denim jeans that were hanging over the spare chair in my room that smelled decent. Just as I tied up my casual oxfords, I heard the similar rumble of Deans car, subconsciously smiling. Before I could a hear a knock I heard the joyful sound of Jack playing with what sounded like Sam as he tumbled through the front door. Something about these Winchesters really has Jack coming out of his shell.

"Hi Mr. Novak, Dean is waiting by the car" Sam smiled. "Thanks again Sam for volunteering your evening. I imagine you had better plans than to watch a strangely energetic toddler. And please, call me Cas." Sam responded "Honestly it's no biggie. I'm glad Dean is going out more which he hasn't gotten to much. Don't tell him I said anything, but he's like a hermit who stays locked up with his dog most weekends." I smiled, I didn't take Dean as a dog guy at first but now I find it very adorable.

I said my goodbyes to Sam and Jack while Gabriel followed me out the door. He was making chatty conversation with the younger Winchester brother and I could tell Sam wasn't used to such a chatter box. Gabriel headed straight for his car and pulled out of my driveway while I stood on my front doorstep eyes locked on Dean. He looked handsome with his leather jacket and flannel combo. The best part is I think he knew that I was checking him out, or if not the guy could really fake his confidence. Dean stood there leaned against his car with his hands purposely placed in his jean pockets. He wore a smug smile and had a gleam in his eye that could only confirm how attractive he was.

"Heya, Cas"

"Hello Dean."

He opened his car door for me and we took off to start tonight's events together.


"Care for some music to accompany us, Cas?" Dean asked me while keeping his attention toward the road. "I don't suppose your ride has Bluetooth?" I ask, almost regretting it when Dean tenses and turns his gaze towards me. He could tell I was being playful though when I chuckled.

"Whoa now, Baby doesn't need flashy features such as Bluetooth or seat warmers. And last I checked, my nerdy English teacher pal lost his ride so let's show some appreciation" Dean laughed back.

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