Ramble On

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Nearly a month had passed and days, more often than not, included Dean in some way. Having Dean around felt domestic and both Jack and I enjoy his company. We would continue dates on the weekends Dean had off or Dean would come visit with Miracle and or Sam for dinner. Tonight was one of those nights, except Sam stayed at home studying for an upcoming exam. Tonight was Pizza Thursday and Dean and Jack insisted they were in charge of making a homemade pizza. I reluctantly accepted looking forward to the mess they would create only for the adults to clean up afterwards. I opted to take Miracle for a walk and grab drinks as they began cooking. We went our separate ways as the boys got to work.

About an hour had passed and I returned to my house with the smell of garlic filling the home. I am met with Jack running towards me giggling incisively and tripping over his long jeans. "Where is Dean, bee?" I asked taking off Miracle's leash. Before I could get a response Jack took my hand and ran us through the living room to the kitchen. There was Dean on the floor covered in sauce and the oven was beeping signaling something was finished cooking. I stoped still looking at Dean who had an amused look on his face. Jack let go of my finger and used it to point and laugh at Dean.

"For the love of - Jack, what happened here? Why is Dean on the floor? Are you ok?" I kneeled down to the floor at Dean's level trying to hide my concern. Dean only laughed and planted a kiss with marinara sauce right on top of my forehead. "Everything is alright, Cas. We just got carried away 's all." I helped Dean up and kissed him back on his cheek and I felt his cheeks redden up.

"And you, mister," I turned my attention to Jack, "You know Papa hates to clean so since you were responsible as well, you are going to help the adults tonight instead of tv time." Jack just groaned and ran back into the living room. By now, Miracle knew to stay away from the mess in the kitchen and laid down outside of the kitchen's entryway. "And Dean, you know where the bathroom is. Go grab a shower before dinner and you can borrow some of my clothes, if you'd like." "Sure thing and, uh, thanks for letting me use your clothes" Dean wiped his face and walked away smiling, I could tell. This would be the first time Dean would be going through my clothes which was a new step in our relationship. I quite enjoyed the pace we were moving in, not having done more than make out on my couch or in his car, or cuddles and a movie. I couldn't help but wonder when we would move further.

I decided to just order a pizza for dinner in addition to the drinks I had purchased earlier. Dean came back cleaned and wearing some of my old sweats and a worn Saint Patrick's day t-shirt I had during college. I couldn't help but let out a laugh at his apparel. "What, I love the "luck of the Irish" Dean mocked the shirt. I pulled him into a longer kiss now that he wasn't covered in sauce. It almost got a little more heated but Jack knocked on the wall, "Papa the pizza man" he giggled.

"I got it" Dean said and Jack followed as the two answered the door. Dean paid but I told him I should pay for it, "It's the least I could do for messing in the kitchen and borrowing your clothes."

Dinner was filled with pleasant casual conversations and laughter as Dean and I watched Jack attempt to eat three whole slices of pizza. After, we began cleaning the kitchen. Dean put on some music from his phone and Led Zeppelin's "Ramble On" filled our ears. Dean hummed the whole song as he handed me the dishes to dry. He really had a nice voice from what I could tell. "C'mon, angel, sing along with me!" Dean exclaimed grabbing my hand spinning me around. That was a new nickname I have never been called before but I liked how it sounded coming from Dean. "Dean, I assure my voice is nothing of angelic," I tried explaining but Dean just leaned in and planted a kiss to my forehead. We stood their embraced for what felt like forever but was only about a minuet. We were interrupted by Jack nagging on Dean's pant leg. "Dean, the water" Jack pointed up to the now overflowing sink. "Son of a bitch, my bad Cas. Oh - crap, I meant" Dean awkwardly chuckled. I assured him it was fine as we finished cleaning up the new mess we made.

I eventually put Jack to bed and returned to see Dean waiting for me on the couch. Usually at this time, Dean would be headed out but he still sat there petting Miracle on his head in my clothes and I couldn't help but feel nervous. I sat next to him and he looked up and smiled.

"I know I usually head out about now but I was thinking, maybe I could stay?"

"Yes, that sounds nice Dean."

We cuddled up together on the couch with Miracle at our feet. You would think that without the tv playing or conversations that this interaction would be uncomfortable but it was quite the opposite. I enjoyed being this close to Dean and feeling as if I had really "known him" known him since high school. After a long silence I felt sleepy and curled into Dean a bit more, though he did not mind.



"Can I tell you something? About my past?"

"Of course, Dean, I am always listening."

Dean sighed and shifted so that he could see more of my face. I grabbed his hand in attempt to comfort him because he seemed uncomfortable with what he was about to share. I almost started to tell him that he could share another time but he begin before I could do so.

"Spending this time with you and Jack has been awesome. Like you have genuinely made my stay here more welcoming and I can't thank you enough." He kissed my cheek, "But I would be lying if I said this has been my first "real" relationship." Dean sighed and shifted so that he was now facing towards me completely. "About a a year and half ago me and my ex girlfriend Lisa broke up. We were together for a while then split and she got knocked up by some random guy. We later reconnected and for awhile I thought that we were endgame. I helped parented her kid, Ben, and I still try to reach out to him time to time but, y'a know, it's hard man. Anyway, our relationship changed after Ben had just tuned six and I began to see that I would look at guys the same way I used to look at Lisa. I couldn't accept it for a long time but I think I always knew, even dating back to Benny," Dean chuckles. I can't help but show a worried expression to see where Dean's story is going to lead to next.

"So, I broke the news one day to her, "Lisa I think I like guys and chicks" and we both laughed, I guess realizing this relationship was heading in a new direction. I thought she was cool with it cause I still liked her but next thing I knew she told me she was seeing this hot, and straight, doctor and wanted to end things. I really had no where to go," Dean paused. "So instead of messaging Sammy, who by now was still with Bobby, I went back to my dad, like my real old man, John. I don't know why, I guess a part of me thought he'd whip me back into shape. I got teased for Lisa leaving me and I came out to him. John did not take it well and delivered a bunch of slurs and just hateful words to the point where I packed my stuff and hit the road with Baby. I finally had the courage to come back here, see my real family. Sam and Bobby accepted me and offered me the job at his garage, which ultimately led me to you" Dean smiled wide. I wiped a tear from my face that I did not notice was coming down.

"Thank you for sharing this with me, but, can I ask why?" I lean more into his arms. Dean simply pulls me in more with his warmth.

"I wanted you to know that I feel serious about this, about you, even if it's been a month. Life feels domestic with you around and I wanted you to know where I'm coming from s'all."

I kissed Dean passionately, just happy at the thought of Dean including me in his story. Our kiss tuned more lustful and I finally received the hint that our relationship would be taking a further step.

"How about we head to bed?" I ask parting from him shortly.

"Sounds like a plan" Dean excitedly winked back at me.

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