Call Me Cas

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After about an hour and a half, Dean entered the office with a disappointed look on his face. That could only mean one thing; my car was headed for permanent retirement. As if hearing what I was thinking, Dean cut me off, "So it looks like your car is in worse shape than I thought. I mean with her age and lack of care over the years, it was just a matter of time that it stopped working." I glared at him, feeling slightly insulted. On cue he added "Not to insult your handiness skills or whatever" he smiled awkwardly. "Dean, it's ok. That car has been in my family for a generation now, I should have seen the day coming." A sparkle lit up in Deans eyes. "No way! I drive my dad's car, which is kind of like a generation of cars. Of course, I take real good care of my Baby." I was liking how natural our conversations were becoming, even after just meeting him.

"So anyway, I can offer you guys a ride home or somewhere cause it looks like she can't go anywhere" Dean said pointing at my now dead car. "I mean, are you sure? Jack and I can just walk home. We don't mind."
"Well, I don't mind the ride either, plus it's not like I'm busy in the garage anyway" Dean chuckled. I nodded, "Thank you, I really appreciate it." We both got lost smiling and looking at each other for a bit. It wasn't until Jack tugged my leg, "Papa, hungry." I smiled and lifted him up to my hip. "Ok, Dean here is going to give us a ride and then I can make us some lunch." He smiled shyly at Dean, which meant he was secretly excited. I put him down in order to get Jack's car seat and a few of my other belongings from my car. Dean was kind enough to hand me an empty box from Bobby's office.
"Don't tell him but I emptied it out for y 'a."
"Don't worry, it just had some papers in it!" He exclaimed with a wide mischievous grin on his face. I was able to see his array of freckles spread across his face as he grinned. They were like tiny stars or constellations specifically placed on his face. I had to admit, he is very attractive.

I had set my box of things and Jack's car seat in the back of Dean's car. He had great taste in cars I would assume because he had a car that looked older than mine in model but as if it were brand new.

"Like what y 'a see? My Baby, my prized possession." Dean came over, crossed his arms and chuckled. The gleam in eyes was proof that he did feel highly about his car.

"Yes, it's very nice, Dean." I smiled back. I buckled Jack in and hoped into the front seat. Dean easily slid into the drivers side, a new wave of confidence hitting him as he prepared to drive. He looked to me asking if I was ready to go and I nodded. Jack groaned to signal he wasn't and we both turned to look to him.

"Car! Car!"

"Jack, do you really want your toy? It's kind of, well, distracting to drivers" I tried to reassure him. I sighed and turned to Dean.

"Of course little man back there can play with his toy, I really don't mind. I'm too good on the road to get distracted by a squeak toy." His smile reassured me but I knew this would be his funeral. "Ok, but you have been warned."

I gave in and handed Jack the car, immediately regretting it when the honking had begun. He laughed loudly knowing the sound was irking me. Dean just smiled and pulled out of his spot.

"Hey, um, Cas? I don't actually know where we're headed so -"
"Oh yeah, sorry. My house is about 15 minutes away. I'll show the way." With that I began to led him through the streets of our town.

"Hey, did you just call me Cas?" I asked him. He never let his eyes off the road but his expression changed with surprise. "I guess I did. I hope you don't mind." I actually felt quite the opposite. "Cas" coming from Dean just felt natural and I'd take it over my many other nicknames.

"I actually like the nickname. It is better than some of my other names." Before I could shy away, Dean glances at me, the first time he's taken his eyes off the road since we departed, as if edging me to continue talking. "Well, I guess one of the more embarrassing ones is 'Cassie' but only my older brothers call me that" I made sure to give him a deadpan stare so he wouldn't get any ideas.

"Cassie," Dean said and smiled. "That's adorable." He turned once again to me to see my face, which was now turning an embarrassing shade of crimson red. "Although, Cas suits you better, in my opinion."

"Thank you, Dean."


Suddenly, the short ride to my house was over. It wasn't a big place, just a one story home with two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a driveway where my car was always parked. This time, however, it was Dean's Baby that was pulling into my short driveway. He stopped the car and that was when I had noticed that his car has a soothing hum that follows his car.

Dean and I just sat there for a moment. me realizing how I had enjoyed our small talk from the drive. Our thoughts were interrupted by Jack and his noisy toy. "Yes, Jack, I'll make you lunch now" I sighed. Dean chuckled. I jumped out of the car, which I had come to learn was a '67 Chevy Impala, and grabbed Jack out of his car seat. After placing him by the door, I went to grab his seat from Dean's car and was surprised to see Dean doing it for me. I was starting to see that this grimy auto mechanic was actually quite the gentleman. He placed the seat down and handed me the box of my stuff that was sitting beside it.

"Thanks again, Dean. This was very nice of you" I said while trying, but not really, to hide my smile. Dean returned it "It really was no bother, Cas." The added emphasis he said with my name was starting to drive me mad, but with butterflies. God I feel like a teenage girl, even though I'm actually a 30 year old man. I should not be getting this bothered by a guy I met a mere few hours ago. I mean I barely knew him, like at all. Plus I had a hungry toddler waiting for me on the doorstep right next to us. Even if I were interested in pursuing anything with Dean, and that is a strong if, I doubt he'd go for it considering I already had a lifelong commitment living in my house.

"Would you like to join us for sandwhiches?" I asked without planning to at all. I guess it surprised both of us, even Jack, because Dean's eyes went wide. "I mean, as a form of solidarity. I feel like I owe it to you for being so generous today and I'm sure Jack wouldn't mind the extra company." I said hoping to make my point seem more logical. Dean smiled and opened his mouth as if he was about to respond but was interrupted by his phone going off.

"As nice as that sounds, it looks like I'm missed at the garage right now." I tried hiding the disappointment in my face. "But, I'm still new in town and I'd like to get to know some more people. You can repay the favor by joining me for a drink this Friday." Was I being asked out?

"Are you sure? I mean I'm not the most fun to be out with, in fact I haven't even been out since Jack was a newborn."

"That's even more reason to join me! C'mon man it will be fun!" As if sensing my worry, Dean had to reassure me. "I promise not to let you get so drunk, y' a know, for Jack's sake" he chuckled.

"I'm not sure Dean, I don't have a sitter for Jack."

"I think I could help with that. My little brother from your school has like nothing going on. I'm sure he won't mind."


"I'll ask him tonight, but count it as a guarantee!" Dean exclaimed.

"Ok, if you insist, Dean." I was actually looking forward to this night off. It would be a change for me, hanging out with a new friend.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll pick you up after my shift at seven. See y' a Cas."

I think I just scheduled a date.

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