Easy Days and Puppy Dates

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As our "date" continued, I found myself more mystified by Dean and his amazing stories. He told me of the time he and Sam, although Dean has a more endearing nickname of 'Sammy' for the kid, went fishing at a lake in town and Dean pushed him in the cold water. Dean's face lit up whenever he talked about Sam and I could really tell he cared for the kid. I sometimes do wish my brothers and I shared a close relationship like this but Micheal treats me strictly like a co-worker, Lucifer (Luci) is off somewhere in California chasing fame and rock and roll, and Gabriel ... well he is Gabriel. Sometime during our conversations, I discovered Dean and I attended the same high school for a short amount of time, though we would never have run into each other. Dean was a junior while I was senior. Also, I was busy dating Hannah and doing theater tech for school productions, while Dean apparently ran with the misfit wallflowers during his time there. He mentioned being best friends with Charlie, who I knew owned the local coffee house, and Benny who worked in the car garage with him. 

"M'kay, I know this may be awkward but are you into guys?" Dean asked me suddenly with a piece of burger still in his mouth.

"Oh, um yeah I am. I am just attracted to anyone that has genuine attraction to me if I am being honest."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you with an awkward 'first date' question, but thanks for telling me." I smiled.

"So how about you?"

"Ahh, y'a know. I'm bisexual, and yes I have been in a relationship with both before," Dean chuckled. "I guess it is just good to know I have a chance to asking you out again."

Here I was thinking Dean was the total womanizer with upmost confidence but I noticed he became flustered when he asked me out the first time and now again.

"Yes, Dean. I would like to go out with you again."

"Cool, that's just awesome" Dean blushed.


We left around 10-ish, not wanting to make Sam watch Jack for that long. Dean escorted me out to the Impala, hand on my shoulder, and opened the door for me. The car ride back to my place was smooth and quite calming. Once we reached my house, Dean stopped the car but made no effort to move yet.

"Heya, Cas?"

"Yes Dean?"

Time seemed to stop as we both began to lean into each other. Dean, instead of kissing me like I had intended, grabs my hand and pulls it closer to him. We stare into each other's eyes for what seemed like awhile and I found that Dean has a sparkle in his eyes, even visible under the dim moonlight. Dean breaks away first to grab his phone.

"Can I have your number? I want to text you" Dean's face became a light shade of pink and he was flustered again In attempt to reassure him I smiled and nodded. I typed my number under my new contact in Dean's phone. I kissed his cheek, "text me anytime you want to, Dean."

We both exited the car as Dean walked me to my door. I am sure I was not respecting his personal space but I do not think he minded. We were met with Sam's greeting and I could tell Jack put him a through a lot with the dark circles starting to form under his eyes and the glitter permanently staining his shirt. "I hope he did not overwork you, Sam. If so I sincerely apologize."

"No worries, Cas. Jack and I had a blast and he sort of crashed on the couch around nine."

I sighed in relief and I believed I even heard Dean let out a laugh from behind me. Sam and Dean were on their way out as they said their goodbyes, although Dean's gaze lasted a little longer. We all said goodnight and went our respective ways. Now all that was left is to bring Jack into his bed and push away all inappropriate thoughts about Dean Winchester.

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