As Time Goes On

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The fall leaves had started to shed more profoundly, leaving piles to be raked on my front lawn. The temperature had dropped noticeably, now, meaning my infamous trench coat, as Gabe liked to call it, was more than ready to be taken from the downstairs closet, as well as Jack's favorite striped beanie. November had welcomed us, and I it, and Thanksgiving was drawing near. Honestly, I just couldn't believe how much has changed for me recently.

I started work in early September at the school. Shortly after, I met Dean, realizing his brother was already introduced as my student. Dean and I went out for the first time in that same month and have been officially together since early October. My most fond memory is when we celebrated Halloween together with Jack. He, of course, changed his mind about his costume everyday. In my defense, maybe I shouldn't have left costume planning to the the two year old. He finally settled for being Batman after we all shared a movie night. Dean and I were on the couch and Jack heard from the floor as Dean raved about he and Sam dressing as Batman and Robin as kids.

"I like Batman!" Jack exclaimed from the floor and interrupted Dean's memory. I could tell Dean didn't mind, though, and just steered the conversation for Jack to engage in with. "I know, kiddo" he said with a small laugh.

"Batman for Halloween, papa!" Jack jumped from the ground only to climb onto my lap as he waited my response. "But, bee, I thought you wanted to be that monkey from that cartoon you like?" I tried pleading with my son, this was his fifth proposal. Dean just shot me a pitiful look as if to apologize for feeding the kid with ideas. I turned to face Jack again and immediately regretted it, he gave me his puppy dog eyes (those eyes, I'm not even sure where he learned them) that practically forced me to say yes. "Alright, kid. But this is the last change, Halloween is only two days from now and if you change your mind again we won't be able to go trick-or-treating."

"Ok, papa!" Jack just hugged me and I sighed, unsure how I could get a last minuet Batman costume for a toddler. "Hey, since this is kind of my fault, leave the costume to me, I have some stuff at home that could work" Dean leaned over to me to say. "Are you sure, I'm sure we could figure something out."

"Trust me, Cas, I know Batman" Dean just winked.

The night of Halloween came and I began to grow concerned with the lack of costume I had been presented with. Since I had last seen Dean that night he hasn't mentioned any updates on the costume and I was well prepared to put Jack in a bedsheet with wholes and call him a ghost. It's not that I didn't trust Dean, I just like to have things done ahead of time. Thinking back on it, it's one of my qualities that used to bug Hannah to a great deal.

It wasn't until Dean came knocking on my door at 5:47 that evening with an old Walmart bag of what I presumed was the costume that I felt some sort of relief. Jack was right with me when I answered the door, "Is that Batman?" He asked cutely in his young voice. Dean came in and picked him up bringing him into the living room for the big reveal. "Sure is, buddy!"

Dean pulled from the bag four items, which undoubtedly seemed less than I imagined for it. "We got the mask and cape combo I stole from Sammy's old junk, a gray 2t t-shirt from the store, black rainboots, which is convenient because it might rain later, and the trusty symbol made by yours's truly. I had to use construction paper and a YouTube tutorial, but it worked out" Dean chuckled. I was utterly speechless, and so was Jack. The kid was more over the moon that he grabbed as much stuff he could fit in his small hands and rushed to the bathroom to change, or at least try his best too. On his way we heard his little "Thanks Dean" which made both of our hearts melt. I turned to look at my boyfriend who had a small blush appearing on his face. "Dean, I am very appreciative of what you did. Jack loves, it, and so do I." I pulled him standing from his seat on the couch and gave him a loving kiss. Love. This idea came up a lot when I pictured Dean recently. It was scary, especially considering out short spanned relationship, but I suppose when your an adult with life experience and a kid to love, you grow in touch with your emotions quicker. He pulled away from our kiss first, "It's nothin'. I just wanted to make sure the kid had a good time, even if he won't remember it in the long run. I used to put Sammy's Halloween costumes together all the time so, yeah." Dean was bashful and wholeheartedly adorable like this, even as a grown man. I kissed his nose once more, "You are a very thoughtful man, Dean Winchester."

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