Sweet Child O' Mine

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"Cas, angel, where are the birthday candles?" Dean shouted to me from the kitchen. I was so busy trying to put Jack in his Batman cape and mask for his party - at Dean's insistence - but it was being proved challenging. Jack was antsy as he waited for his party to begin. It was nothing big, just Dean's family and four of Jack's friends from Daycare. Even still, I wanted him to have a fun time and more importantly I wanted good pictures to add into his new scrapbook that I was forming. That idea actually came from Dean when he saw me taking odd pictures of them when they were simply being together. These last few months have taught me how important it is to cherish the time I spend with my boys.

It was May 18, almost four months since Hannah came knocking at our door. We have been good since then. My job became less stressful as senior graduation was quickly approaching and Dean agreed to not take as many hours at the garage, much at Bobby's insistence. Everyday, Dean and I watch as Jack grows and my heart is filled knowing that Dean and his family - our family - will be there to celebrate with him.

Jack laughed at me as I put his mask on, "I'm Batman" he giggled and ran out of his bedroom. I went into the hallway only to bump headfirst into Dean. "Sorry, Cas, I tried calling for you."

"I heard, sorry I was fixing Jack together. I believe I put them in the drawer next to the stove." Dean kissed my cheek and ran off to find the candles. They were ordinary grocery store bought candles, but Dean cared and tried to make this day special for Jack too. "I'm putting the food together. Sam should be over soon" I heard Dean say. I went into the living room to where I assumed Jack had ran off. I was correct. In fact, he had began to pull his toys from the toy bin and scatter them along the floor. "Bee, we just cleaned up in here. I promise you can play with the toys when your friends arrive."

"No, papa. I want to play now!" Jack argued. I could not add the stress of Jack being defiant to my list of things to overcome today, so instead I sighed. Just then I heard the door open and in came Sam and Bobby baring gifts and a boxed cake. "I can handle him Cas, why don't you go help Dean" Sam insisted and handed over the cake to me. "I would really appreciate that, Sam." He smiled and kneeled over to Jack to help him put the toys away. Sometimes the kid would only listen to Sam. "Hello, Bobby, thank you for coming." 

"Of course, son, I wouldn't miss it." Our short exchange felt welcoming and I often understood how Dean and Sam looked up to him like a father. He was reliable and great with Jack when he'd watch him. I took the cake into the kitchen where I saw Dean take out the hamburger buns for the grill. "I'm stoked you're finally letting me use the grill, babe. I've been waiting months to get my hands on that thing." I smiled warmly, "I'm expecting some good burgers with how you've been hyping yourself up." I joked. "I should hope you expect nothing less," he replied and set the buns on the table. "But first, let's get this cake together." 

I opened the box and there was a small round cake with the Batman logo and "Happy Birthday Bee" written in yellow frosting underneath. It was adorable. "Nice job on the design, Dean." Dean placed the number four candle on the center. "I had to make it perfect for the little guy, and that scrapbook of yours." That reminded me, I needed to grab my camera from our bedroom before the party started. Dean took the finished cake outside to our small yard to set on the decorated table. Miracle followed right behind him; he was really loving the nice outside weather lately. I grabbed the buns he forgot and went behind them. Outside, Charlie and Jo were inflating and putting up black and yellow balloons along the house. "Good thing we stopped at Party City before this, huh?" Charlie joked. "Thank you both for doing this, it means a lot to Jack and I." 

"Cas, my good friend, always so formal" Charlie said. "Yeah, of course, we'd do anything for family" Jo said which made me smile. I finished my task and went inside to see Bobby had already ransacked the "adult drinks" and some of the parents from Jack's daycare came in. I showed them to the back and the party began. 

Jack had a blast. He played outside with his friends and Dean and I chatted with their parents. Sam was playing the best babysitter for the kids, without us asking, and impressed them all with his freakish height. Bobby and Dean maned the grill and Charlie and Jo made their own dance floor in the lawn - the beers were starting to hit them. I finally reclined in a lawn chair with Miracle at my feet as I watched as my family enjoyed our time together. I genuinely couldn't remember the last time I felt this whole. Maybe the day I held Jack for the first time in the hospital, when our family was just beginning to form. I looked over the gate to the backyard and noticed someone standing outside holding piles of things. I got out of my chair and walked over, only to see Gabriel there with too many presents.

"Dear God, Gabe, Jack has enough toys." Where would we possibly put all of this new stuff? "Relax, Cassie, some of these are toys but there is also a new toaster that you desperately need" he smirked. "I don't understand."

"Consider it the first item on yours and Dean's wedding registry" his smirk widened. "Come in Gabe," I sighed and opened the gate for him to enter. Jack and his friends immediately saw the pile of gifts he carried and got very excited, leaving poor Sam on the grass alone. "Papa, can we do gifts now?"

"Bee, you have to blow out your candles first then we can open gifts." Jack frowned as Dean came over and swooped him up. I didn't even notice he was wearing a birthday hat. Must have been apart of Charlie and Jo's Party City run. "I say go grab the camera and we get this show on the road, right Jack?" Dean asked and I remembered. "Oh, I forgot the camera in the bedroom. I'll be right back. 

I walked quickly to the room and went to my bedside table to grab the camera. I had remembered stashing it in there the other night, but when I looked it was not there. I was sure I could not have put it anywhere else, but knowing myself I may have slipped it into Dean's table instead of mine. I crossed the other side of the bed rather hurriedly and and opened it. It wasn't there but what I found was much more interesting. There was a velvet blue box that looked too good to be true. My curiosity got the better of me and I grabbed it to open. When I did I found a silver ring with the engravement of a small wing. I felt a tear fall from my eye. Was this for me?  The universe seemed to have great timing because just then Dean came around the corner into our room holding the missing red camera. "Cas, we found the camera on the table downstairs, you must have forgotten you put it-" he stopped. His eyes went wide with surprise and I couldn't help but feel guilty for ruining this for Dean, if this was what I thought it was. 

"I'm sorry, Dean"

"I'm sorry, Cas"

We spoke at the same time and I couldn't help the small laugh that came from my mouth. 

"Me first," he spoke, "I'm crap at hiding things apparently."

"Yeah, I'd say" I laughed.

There was a pause in conversation. I felt as the air began to grow thick. "We can talk about it later." He was stuck as if deciding on whether or not to leave the room.

"Yes." He looked confused directly at me. "I'd say yes, when you ask." He erupted in a huge smile. "I know it hasn't been that long and if I'm being honest I was planning something for our anniversary and now I hope that's not ruined-" I cut him off with a kiss. I love Dean Winchester. Even as he rambles about his poor hiding skills in a cheap birthday hat and a Batman themed flannel. I felt another tear run down my cheek and I was unsure if it was Dean's or mine. We finally pulled apart when I started, "Well, then keep your plans. I'll be right here." We got lost in each other's smiles and then I remembered we had a party to return to. "We should get back before they send Gabe up here for us." 

"Yeah, that'd be a nightmare of poor jokes we'd never live down" Dean chuckled and grabbed my hand. We returned outside obviously happy but the party continued. The only ones who noticed anything were Sam and Gabe who gave us their brotherly "knowing" gaze. Jack found us and ran up to Dean. "Candle time?" He asked sweetly. "Yep, sure is buddy." Dean said and picked him up again. I lit the number four candle. The backyard all sang happy birthday. Jack and Dean blew the candle out and everyone erupted with cheers. I snapped the picture at the perfect time catching Jack look right up at Dean with a wide grin reflecting my own and Dean looking more proud than I've ever seen him. Charlie took the cake over to the food table to begin cutting. I turned back to see Jack say to Dean, still in his arms, "Thanks Dad!" Dean's face broke with pure joy and then cut a look to me. I smiled and nodded. He smiled back at me and pecked Jack's head with a kiss, "Anytime buddy." My camera snapped again, this time capturing Dean overcome with happiness and Jack all too excited for his first slice of cake. 

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