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Zivia ignored her father for the rest of the day, staying locked up in her room and shooing Seth away when he came to invite her for dinner

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Zivia ignored her father for the rest of the day, staying locked up in her room and shooing Seth away when he came to invite her for dinner. Her anger actually made her hungry but her stubbornness prevailed over her growling stomach.

The next morning, she got dressed and ready without as much as a sideway glance at her companions. Their short flight to the manor was stretched by an awkward and deafening silence - save for Seth who was trying to disperse the tension with his short but unnecessary comments about the weather. It didn’t work.

Today was the supposed day of the council meeting and the High Lord had called on them early in the morning for some kind of pre-meeting discussion.

She was running a mental note of arguments and ways on how she could prevent her inevitable return home that she wasn’t paying much attention to what the others were saying. It wasn’t until Drakon mentioned her name that she snapped into attention.

“YES!” she practically shouted as the others looked expectantly at her.

“That’s it then,” the High Lord said with a tone of finality. “Hopefully the meeting will proceed without a hitch.”

With that, they all dispersed to do their own preparations.

Zivia inconspicuously leaned towards Seth and whispered, “What the hell did I just agreed to?”

He looked flatly at her. “Really?”

“I wasn’t listening.” She reasoned.

“Of course you weren’t”

“No, honestly. What was it?”

“Don’t play coy with me Zivia,” Seth shot at her. “At this point you’re too obvious for the whole lot of us to know.” His eyes glinted in a way she didn’t like.

“What in the world are you talking about?”

“The High Lord asked if you’re okay with accompanying the High Lady to the Spring Court to try escort – or possibly drag – their non-responding High Lord to the council meeting.”

Zivia sighed. “Well that’s not so bad.” She thought she was being sent home already.

“The spymaster is with you, of course.” Seth non-chalantly added. “With which you so enthusiastically said yes to.” He then grinned at her and tapped her shoulder. “Good for you, about time you start being honest with your feelings.”

Zivia blinked. “What – wait no, that wasn’t why – “

“Shhh, hold those useless excuses. We already know.”

Zivia looked around just in time to see Azriel behind the High Lady, making preparations of his own for the journey. Their gazes caught for a second – and lingered – until Seth snapped his fingers in front of her.

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