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Everything seems to be in a hush whisper as the city prepared for the Starfall event. No moon was out tonight over the backdrop of a starless sky to greet Zivia. Overhead, all the lights in the whole city of Velaris were dimmed. Every structure blended seamlessly in the almost dark, creating the illusion of an endless plain.

She brushed her hand over the front of her dress, smoothing out phantom creases then walked over to the mirror in her room. For once, her hair decided to cooperate with her and allowed to be left unbraided; half side of it slicked back and the rest falling in smoothly past her shoulders. She picked up a silver-chained tassel ear cuff and placed it over her right ear, completing her look.

Foregoing extravagance, she opted for a simpler a-line crepe dress in powder blue color, a rhinestone-studded silver lace belt the only glittering accessory in her whole ensemble, when they were shopping. The gown was backless as she requested, for her to easily wear over her wings. She decidedly refrained from adding any illusion on it seeing as it was perfect on its own in her body. Stepping back, she studied her reflection and made the necessary adjustments with her glamour, mostly for the scars all over her back and some that were peeking over her bare shoulders. Satisfied, she went on to join the others on the outer balconies of the House.

Dim lights and low chatter greeted her as she made her way towards the patio. Morrigan was the first one she spotted, hunched over a table of food and beverages. She maneuvered her way towards her, careful not to knock over any revellers with her wings.

"Hey," she said as a way of greeting. "I thought you weren't gonna come."

"Zivia!" Mor shrieked loud enough to draw attention from a nearby group of faes. "You look absolutely magnificent!"

"So do you." She replied as she eyed Mor's plum bodycon attire. It was a two-piece velvet gown with a top cut short just above her belly button showcasing off the curves of her midriff. Her eyes travelled up to her face, choosing to comment on her broad smile rather than her well-nigh exposed cleavage. "You look rather ecstatic. I take it everything went well?"

Mor's grin was almost blinding as a thousand diamond jewels. "More than well. Come on, it's about to begin soon."

Zivia allowed herself to be dragged over to a spot with a better view of the sky and with less people.

"What drink do you want? I'll get us some, wait here."

Mor disappeared among the crowd even before she could answer.

There were quite a few partaking in the celebration and Zivia looked around hoping to see more familiar faces. Right across from where she was standing, she saw the Lord and Lady of the Court having a conversation with some strangers and Mother above, they were a sight to behold. The High Lady wore a black tight-fitting dress with a slit that shows one of her slender legs. It was covered in embroidered beads that sparkle like stars when the light hit them in an angle. The High lord dazzles just as equally beside her in his white shirt and matching black sparkling jacket.

They sure do live up to their title, Zivia thought.

Feyre caught her gaze and smiled at her, lifting a toast in her direction. She would've returned the gesture if she had something in her hand to toast as well. But she didn't so she just waved back.

"What's taking Mor so long?" she said to no one in particular.

As Zivia looked around for her missing companion, she noticed a red-headed stranger. Well, almost everyone here is a stranger to her, except those she already knew, but the man looked out of place and very noticeably doesn't belong among the others. When he turned his head, Zivia saw that one side of his face is marred by a scar running down from his brows to his jaw, going over one eye – which she realized was made of gold metal, replacing the one undoubtedly damaged beyond repair by whatever inflicted that wound. That didn't diminish his attractiveness, however. In fact, the mark seems to add more to his charm – a charm that apparently caught the attention of the High Lady's sister.

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