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The last thing she heard was Azriel shouting her name before she tumbled to the floor – rolling on some debris with Elena in her arms. There was a sharp stinging on her back. A stained-glass window had shattered and shards of glass littered the ground around them.

Zivia blinked. She was a bit disoriented and couldn't hear anything because of the ringing in her ears. Strong arms pulled her from her stupor as Azriel hauled her up and held her by the shoulders. His brows were furrowed so deeply that he looked almost angry.

"Are you hurt?"

The High Lady had her hand in her mouth, eyes wide in shock while the High Lord still has his arms outstretched, frozen in place with surprise. He quickly regained composure and was also upon Zivia in three quick strides, mirroring the same expression as the shadowsinger.

"Mother above, Zivia!" he stammered. "I wasn't – are you okay?"

Panic and fear interlaced in his voice at the thought of possibly bringing harm to his dear friend's daughter.

"Relax, uncle," Zivia quickly said, ignoring the pain on her shoulder from when she landed. "I'm fine." She turned to Azriel and lightly touched his arm. "I'm ok, really."

Elena groaned and their attention turned to her. She was still on the floor, massaging her hips and clearly in pain. Zivia helped her up as she brushed the strands of hair away from her face.

"Are you alright?"

There was confusion in her eyes which then promptly turned into terror and she jumped away from Zivia's touch – regaining the strength and anger she had earlier. She demanded they vanish from her sight immediately and never to come back.

Zivia knew there was no more reasoning with her after what happened so she calmly ushered the others out while muttering an apology to the old fae; both for the rough way she had handled her during their fall and for the way her companions had acted. She was the last to go, making sure Elena was unhurt before leaving.

"Thank you."

She stopped by the door and looked back.

The old fae was still rubbing her side but she already stood by the window unaided. "For saving my life," she supplied further.

Zivia figured that was it, not that Elena had more to say anyway other than urging her to leave quicker. So she lightly dipped her head and smiled, then went on her way out.


"Are you sure?" the High Lord asked for the fifth time.

"Careful, uncle Rhys," Zivia answered. "You're starting to sound like father." She bashfully grinned and reassured him once again. "I'll be perfectly fine."

They were standing outside, still in Spring Court, but already a very good distance away from the manor. Zivia had volunteered to stay and try to talk again to the Spring Court Lord by herself carrying the ghost of a chance that he might somehow listen.

As predicted, all of them fiercely objected to the idea.

"I don't even know why we're wasting our time on that useless cretin," Rhysand complained, "It's not like he's needed anyway. We can go on without him, really."

ZIvia shifted on her feet, wiping the sweat on her brows. "I think peace between the Prythian courts is just as important as it is between fae and humans. Wouldn't it be agreeable to set an example to them, no?"

The High Lord looked at her. "Aren't you being too nice?"

Her heart was beating too quickly in her chest. Did she say something wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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