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Zivia could've slept for the whole day if it weren't for her growling stomach. She realized that she hadn't eaten anything since their botched espionage yesterday and now her body is begging her for some nourishment. It took a lot of will to get completely out of the comfort of her covers and walk towards the dining area.

"Finally awake," Seth moaned from across the hallway. "Thank the Mother!"

She totally forgot about him and almost believed that he and her father coming here at Night Court was a conjured up dream of hers. Unfortunately, of course, it had to be real.

"What are you waiting for, standing there like an idiot? Come on, I'm starving!"

Zivia sighed and followed him to the kitchen. "Why does it sound like it's my fault you're hungry?"

"Well duhh," Seth rolled his eyes at her dramatically as he fixed plates on the table and offered her a seat. "I didn't eat with your father so I could join you when you wake up. Kinda feeling a bit of a gentleman back there." He lifted the lid off the dishes that were already served and she almost drooled at the scent of roast chicken that wafted towards her.

"Problem is, you slept like a fed pig! You know how long I've waited?"

The table almost rattled with the force as Seth slammed himself on the chair. Zivia couldn't help feeling like a child being scolded for throwing a tantrum. She just sat there waiting for her companion to calm down. But no matter how irritated she was at having to endure another prattling from Seth, that on top of being completely famished, it was still nice to see him again after some time.

She has known Seth all her life and grew up with him as a brother figure. There's only a thirteen year gap between them but she looks up to him as a mentor especially when it comes to training. Despite his lean physique, Seth is gifted in the art of combat, having been participated during the first war when he was just a boy. He further honed his skills under the tutelage of Jude and was actually poised to inherit her position should the general decide to step down. He has a loveable quality to him, although he can be a bit of chatterbox most of the time.

"Where's father?" Zivia asked when he finally settled down.

"With the High Lord," he answered while he stuffed both their plates with food. "He followed them to the estate not long after you fell asleep, told me to look after you."

"I see. You do seem enthusiastic about it." She swallowed a spoonful of peas.

"About what, looking after you? As if that wasn't what I've been doing since you were a drooling mess of a crybaby."

"And for that, I'll be forever grateful," She put a hand to her heart, mocking him.

Seth scrunched his face at her and continued nibbling.

"How's mother?"

"Fine. Misses you, a lot. She got so worried when she found out about your letter and took a lot of convincing from your father to stay when he decided to come here."

"Hmm. I bet he promised her the moon and the stars. Again."

They both laughed.

It has always been her father's tactic to spout poetry and whatnot whenever he and Miriam got into an argument. It can be a bit cheesy at times but Zivia finds it adorable. Besides ,so far, it still works.

As they continued on with their meal, Seth filled her in on what went back at Cretea when she was away – which was really nothing much.

"So tell me," Seth drawled, a certain glint present in his eyes. "How did your night go?"

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