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- King of Cretea🔱
- Miryam's mate and Zivia's father

Age : 500+

Wind control
Flight through wings
Advanced Combat abilities

Powers:Wind controlWinnowingFlight through wingsGlamourAdvanced Combat abilities

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- Queen of Cretea 👑
- Drakon's mate and mother of Zivia

Age: 500+

Healing prowess

Powers:WinnowingHealing prowess

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- daughter of Miryam and Drakon
- an original character
- affectionately called 'sunshine' by both her parents and 'Ziv' by friends

Age: 503

Wind control
Light manipulation
Flight by wings

Powers:Wind controlIllusion/GlamourLight manipulationWinnowingFlight by wings

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- Zivia's best friend and brother figure
- also an original character
- a General-in-training in the Seraphim army

Age: 516

Wind control
Flight by wings
Combat abilities

***** PROLOGUE *****

A few years after The War - Cretea

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A few years after The War - Cretea . . .

Rhysand casually pulled himself off from his seat, the couple across him doing the same.

"Thank you for visiting us" the male said.

"Just making sure you're both alright" he replied as he made a move to extend his hands.

He hadn't told anyone of this particular visit and had snuck out of the Night Court without anyone noticing. He needs to be back soon before someone finally notices and figured he's missing.

The male took his hand and gripped it tightly while lightly patting him on the shoulder with the other, his feathered wings rustling with the movement.

"Our door is always open for your visits" chided the female who then took him into a warm embrace. "As long as you bring snacks"

A small chuckle came out of his lips as he returned the gesture and when they both withdrew from each other's arms, Rhysand's attention snagged the sounds of footsteps - small footsteps - running toward them. Sure enough, a child, barely more than five by the looks of it, appeared by the edge of the veranda where they were just standing. The child stopped short at the sight of him and curiously stared at the enormous black wings that now jutted out from his back, ready to shoot him into the sky before winnowing back home. He offered an equally fascinated look before giving an affectionate smile. The little girl's wings, identical to the male's, but smaller and a brighter version, just tucked in tighter in response.

"It's not polite to gawk at people, sunshine" A gentle scolding from the female as she ushered the child to her side and whispered something in her ear.

He slid his attention back to the male who now stood a little straighter and gave him a terse nod.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to call for us"

"I will"

He turned his back to leave but just as he stretched out his wings, the little girl called after him.

"Goodbye uncle Rhys"

The surprise was short lived as he looked back to see the couple seemingly trying to hide their amusement as they patted the child's head. He couldn't help rolling his eyes but smiled over his shoulders nonetheless as he finally soared to the clouds, cold nipping at his wings, and set out for Prythian.

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