2. 70 years apart

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So I recall seeing a theory that said the main event of Encanto occurred in 1952 because Los Mil Das was the reason Abuelo Pedro died? This is mostly what happens if the reader time travels back to Encanto while they are from 2022.

- What exactly is going on?

- They wonder as they go through town, the place seems so new in a second, everyone is so joyful around them, running and dancing beneath the sky - all you worry about right now is where is your friends?

- Your school organized a vacation to Encanto for the students to relax after a year of suffering with the assignments you had, but now you're lost; how are you expected to relax in this situation?! This place don't have signal either, so it's really useless to have a phone right now

- The unusual dress and the teary eyes must have drawn attention from the people, as a specific curly-haired boy approached, wondering whether they were all right.

- "Tears does not suit you, amigo. Say, are you new around here? I've never seen you around town before."

"Oh, no! I don't live here; I'm only on a school trip! Do you notice anyone wearing this uniform around here? I'm a little lost."


- You're having trouble describing who you are and where you're from to the person in front of you, but he doesn't seem to know anything about your friends or your school.

- "Well...I'm not sure where your companions are...or what that thing you're carrying...But-"

"Are you kidding me? Who in 2022 doesn't know what a phone is?"



"Bonita, you heard me, it's 1952"

- Now you're in full panic mode once you realized what is going on. Based on how the others are wearing, or how the Encanto town look as new as ever, you knew for a fact that the boy in front of you can't be lying. So you really did time travel? Even though the concept of it sound so cool, but you don't want to be lost 70 years from your timeline!

- Noticed how distressed you look, the boy offers his hand, and point the other to a beautiful house from afar:

"Since...you are lost...do you want to go my house to rest for a while before find out entirely what is going on? I'm Camilo by the way"

"The name is (Y/n). And how do i know you're not joking or something?"

"Look, i may be a prankster, but i never lied to a person i dont have a clue what are they doing. And besides, im a Madrigals"

"what is that supposed to mean?"

"You'll know soon enough"

- This time travel thing must have want to play around with your brain.

- Members of the Madrigals family have "gifts" that allow them to perform things you wouldn't believe were possible. Is that really possible that Camilo's mother has influence over the weather? His sister can hear him from a mile away? What is this fairytale you've stumbled into?

- Fascinated by your story and the fact that you have everything from the future, the family agreed to let you remain for the time being, because it's going to be the youngest Madrigals in a month, and there's still time for preparing and getting you acquainted to the things around town.

- You become great friends with Mirabel since you share a room with her and are approximately her age. Isabela, Antonio, and Dolores also chat to you frequently, as if they haven't asked you enough questions at the dinner table. You don't mind, though, showing them all the pictures you shoot on your phone and all you know about the future.

- However, Camilo is the one who helps you the majority of the time. The boy takes you across town the second day you arrive, showing you how he generally helps people with his shape-shifting ability. For some reason, you think his power is cool, and while it's great to see him change to some old people and look after the kids, you prefer seeing his face over the others.

- You believed that when he smiled at you after he finished assisting others that afternoon, it made your heart beat quicker, and that he blushed when you smiled back.

- The stay goes on. You were by the family's side when Antonio's ceremony came, you walked with Mirabel as the house began to fracture, you choked on your drink when you saw Camilo's face in that one evening, and you stared in awe of Isabella's power when she finally knew who she wanted to be. You were also available when Mirabel and Abuela Alma got into a fight, which resulted in Casita collapsing. You stay between Isabela and Mirabel when the Madrigals need help rebuilding Casita again, giggles Dolores when she finally found the man of her dreams. You were there.

- But what do you expect, when you would not forever be by their side? Camilo's side, to be specific. As the villagers gathered in to rejoice with the Madrigals, the shapeshifter drew you out of the home, and you walked across town in peace. You're both aware of each other's emotions. But now they are still waiting for the right opportunity to confess to one another.

- Unfortunately, the right moment may not arrive once you notice that your body is fading away and you are returning to your timeline.

- Camilo's eyes widened in dread as he glanced back, sensing you stopped walking. In a rush, he pulls you into his hug, as if he doesn't have the couragement to stare at your body slowly dissolving and returning to the spot you once were.

- You can't stop the tears from falling down your cheeks and over his yellow ruana. When you returned his hug, you could feel it tighten even more, and you started spitting out your feelings for him. You always dream about how his melodious voice made your heart beat quicker, how he tried to help you whenever he could make you grin widely, or how he used a cheesy pickup line, but you love it nonetheless.

- Quietly chuckling as he covered his face in your (h/c) hair, he muttered softly, trying not to sob into you:

"Your heart will always be in 1952, but mine...is returning to 2022."

"I don't know when or how, but let's meet again in a timeline where we aren't 70 years apart, mi Amor."

- As soon as he completed his sentence, you were gone, and he was left alone to watch your fragments fade away.

- The moment you return, you glance around and realize you're again in the midst of town, but this time it appears broken apart and somehow...so sad.

- This time, your friends are with you, wondering why you are sobbing at the sight of Casita from afar, the same spot where Camilo first saw you.

- Ignoring your friends' shouts, you sprint towards the house that normally greets you when you return, but does not this time.

- Your hands wander over Casita's now-aged walls, you examine every door in the corridors, but your gaze is drawn to a certain mischievous-looking boy. For some reason, tears welled up again as you crouched down inside the home, hugging yourself as you sobbed, knowing full well what has happened in the last 70 years, and you don't dare to think about where he is right now.

- However, your tears is not unnoticed as a similar hand lovingly pats your head, quietly laughing, the chuckle that you now recall by heart. You swiftly glance up to see Camilo, dressed in your school uniform, smiling as brightly as ever and wiping your tears away:

"I said it once, Amor, 70 years ago...but tears do not suit you at all."

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