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Warning(s): a little angst, but fluff at the end, spoilers.

- The basket in your hands dropped in an instant as the soil broke near your feet when you were merely walking with the kids in town. You ushered the children home while sprinting towards Casita, terrified that something is wrong with the magic and that the Madrigals are in danger, exactly as the rumor warned.

- The rumor began in Encanto when Mirabel stated that something was wrong during Antonio's ceremony, such as the candle fading and the house cracking. However, when Abuela Alma stated that the home was fully Alright, everyone returned to the celebration; however, this did not put an end to the rumor.

- Nevertheless, not a single word was heard from Mirabel or the Madrigals for the following two days. Even Camilo's assurances that he is all Ok make you feel that everything will be alright. Yet, you can see that this is not the case.

- You dashed inside to see the Madrigals around Abueal Alma and Mirabel, your closest friend, who was having an argument with her grandma. The home was trembling, and the walls cracked all the way up to the roof.

"The miracle is dying because of YOU"

- Wait, what?! Is the candle really going out? Why? But before you could ask any more questions, Casita's floor cracked between your dearest friend and her Abuela. Mirabel can only give you a brief glance before shouting at Casita to help her save the candle.

- You don't want your closest friend to tumble down and injure herself like that, so you don't spare a second. Run to the second level and attempt to reach Mirabel so you may at least assist her hold the ladder, but the debris has other plans, as all the shattered woods started to tumble down in the hallway and trap you entirely.

- You're forced to see Isabela's gift vanish in midair, and then watch her collapse to the floor while still stunned by what's going on. On the opposite side, you noticed Camilo, your lover, rushing and shifting rapidly in an attempt to get away from the debris. But, just as his hand about to reach the rooftop, the light on his door went out, and, like Isabela, Camilo fell to the floor, staring in disbelief at his hand.

- You know their gifts had something to do with the doors, but the fact that they lost what they were created for right in front of your eyes is devastating. You don't have time to pity the Madrigals, for the entire home is on the verge of collapsing at this moment. And just as you were bracing yourself for the rubble, you heard a familiar shout:


- You instantly opened your eyes and looked down at your terrified boyfriend, who had spread his hands out on the first floor, gazing directly at you:

"Jump! I'll catch you, mi vida, I promised-(Y/N), JUMP NOW"

- Hearing his scream for the first time scared you enough to dive to the ground in an instant. You heard a faint grunt from him as you fell in his hands before both of you struck the floor again. You only have enough time to gaze up the second floor to see that it has now entirely merged with the first floor, as Casita began to drag all of the Madrigals outside with you, while Mirabel is still trying her hardest to save the burning candle.

- Camilo's arms are still securely holding you close to his chest, while the two of you stare at Casita, which have collapsed entirely, but not before you catch a glimpse of your closest buddy, who is shielded by the furniture.

- What is going on? What caused this to happen? Why did the candle burn out in such a way? Why did Mirabel and her grandma get into a fight? And how come you didn't know anything? Isn't it true that you're her best friend? Why did she withhold all of this stuff from you?

Camilo didn't let go of you since he sensed your distress from your expression. For a brief while, his grasp on you tightened, and you heard him murmur things quietly into your hair:

"Its okay...we're okay...I've got you"

"Why...don't you tell me anything...?"

"I...don't know what's happening either, mi Vida...I only have a few grasp in this situation."

- You can only hold his trembling figure in your arms, knowing it's not his fault.Even if you want to talk about what happened later, or if your feelings for your best friend are causing you concerns right now, you know your lover is not in the wrong. And before you could check about Mirabel's location, Tia Julietta cried in concern:



- Everything worked out in the end, Mirabel returned after a good while, this time with her Tio Bruno. Her relationship with Abuela Alma was repaired as well. Everyone in Encanto agreed to step in and help the Madrigals rebuild Casita. Though you fell happy for her, the secret that kept you apart from her stings you.

- Mirabel later found you when you were resting with Camilo from your task. She explained everything, including her adventure, discovering Tio Bruno, and how everything worked out in the end.But then, she sadly smile as she hold your hand, you can see tears brimmed at the end of her eyes :

"This...is all my fault. I fought with Abuela, I was the reason Tio Bruno left...and I...don't want this problem on your shoulder (Y/n). I appreciate all the thing you'd ever do for me so much, that I don't want to pressure you into another problem created"

- Your lips turned into a line, you feel guilty now. You were mad at her before, for not telling you everything and endure it alone. But now you understand, she's trying her best to protect you. Glance at Camilo to received a nod from him, you carefully grab your bestfriend's hand, smiling at her :

"Dummy, I do it all for you because we're best friend, and i'd not hesitate to join you in a second. Yes, I did feel angry because you kept it all from me, but I know that you're protecting me, so I forgave you Mirabel. but next time, I wont be so lenient! Your ass will be kicked if you ever kept something from me again!"

- The three of you laugh under the sunlight, unaware of the fact that once this house is rebuild, a miracle will happen.

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