3. Clingy

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- Don't get me wrong: Mr. shapeshifter is the one who is normally clingy in your relationship.

- Does he cling to you most of the time when you're out on a date in town? Yea, you will walk hand in hand. When you eat at the Madrigals? Under the table, you're holding hands. When you're not talking to him but another person, his chin is resting on your shoulder, his hands firmly wrapped around your waist, and patiently waiting for you. But, being you, you don't protest one bit; in fact, you're delighted to have someone care for you in such a way.

- However, he will seek personal space at points, and you will respect it! Still, there are times when both of you have had a particularly rough day, and you need his embrace and soothing words, while he simply wants to be alone.

- You stroll into Casita, upset after being shouted at by some random man for bumping into him on your way there, and all of the items you were supposed to give to Tia Julietta fall out of your bag, and others decide to look at you as you gather up all of the groceries in humiliation. Even though you assumed that Ta Julietta wouldn't mind if it was a little dusty, you still feel really bad for her when she smiles at you.

- Camilo is also having a rough day; the child he volunteered to look after has been wailing constantly for 30 minutes. He's tried everything: transforming into others and surprising them, surprising them with milk, and so on. But the infant decided to be stubborn that day, refusing to stop screaming no matter what. He also has other responsibilities, and he's on the edge of shouting as well.

- You came outside and spotted him holding the infant, not recognizing his troubled expression, and decided to give him a side hug:


- Camilo recognizes that tone; if you sound like that, you truly need some hugs and cuddling. And believe me, he craves to have you in his arms right now, how he just wants to remain in his room and do nothing but give you guys some alone time...but he can't, not when the chores are still there and the baby is still wailing like crazy.

"Oh, hey, mi Vida...not now...Okay? I'll come to you tomorrow."

- But you decided to be stubborn today; he typically tries to avoid duties, and has frequently pulled you out of them as well, so why not try it once?

"Come on, Amor, just this once...please?"

" No! I already told you (Y/n)! I'm really busy today, we can do this another time- Just...Please...you're being clingy"

- Okay, he does not mean to snap at you, you know that as well, the baby in his arms decided to be silent, not used to seeing the cheery boy scream. However, your heart feels like it shattered at the spot. Feel the eyes of others start to stare at you, your face heat up in shame, tears welling up in the corner of your eyes. Camilo sighed in relief when the baby decided to fall silent, but he got panicked once he realized what has he done to you :

"Wait, love, I'm sorry-"

"I-I'll go home, then...goodbye Camilo"

- Camilo winced when he did not hear you call his nickname, he try to reach out to you and said sorry, but the mother of the baby came and interrupted, saying how grateful she felt, and completely blocked the image of you running out of his view.

- You didn't go home, not with your eyes still aching up with tears and your cheeks flushed from the townspeople's stares. You're not upset with him, but you're upset with everything that's going on today, including his remarks. You've just crouched down behind one of the trees outside of town, which represented as your first date with Camilo and your favorite location to hide from your mother when you had chores to do.

- Camilo doesn't do any of his tasks after that since your tearful eyes and how disappointed you stare at him cloud his head. Dolores decided to be the best sister after hearing all of it, she said that his chores will be done by her instead, but he have to repay her somehow. Of course, Camilo agreed and knowing you, instantly ran off to the place you where usually stay when you feel sad except for your house.

- He breathed a sigh of relief when he spotted you at your favorite place, but the guilt ate him immediately away when he heard your sobbing. Camilo sat down carefully in front of you, not wanting to irritate you any further:

"Mi Vida...Love...could you please look at me?"

- You didn't look up straight away because you didn't want to see his face after just one word: "Clingy." You're not THAT clingy; you just...really need someone to hold you at the moment, and who better to embrace you than your boyfriend? Today, guess you're mistaken.

- Seeing that you're not going to look up anytime soon, Camilo decided to cautiously grasp your crossed arms before murmuring quietly into your ears:

"I'm so sorry...t-today has been a stressful day...though it's not a reason why I could snap at you and call you clingy like that mi vida...could you please look at me?"

- Did you gaze up at him after carefully peeking your face out after hearing that one break in his voice? Yes, you did. He looked dejected, his grin sorrowful yet soothing, and though you are still stung by the word he used before, you gently opened your arms:

"Come here, Chameleon."

- Who is he to turn down your offer? If you ask him, he will go down on his knee and hand you everything in the world. He didn't hesitate to lean in and give you the tight hug you'd been longing for. Since your first date, the sensations of his touch have given you butterflies in your stomach, and you have never complained about it.

- You decided to stay like that for a bit longer, just enjoying one other's company. Perhaps today wasn't that horrible after all.

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