4. Touchy

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Warnings: Fluff and spoilers

- It's simply his method of expressing his love for you. Whether or not you're dating, I'm sure his love language is touch and spending quality time together. But let's imagine you've been dating for a while now in this headcanon.

- Touch is no longer a strange thing between you two because you were best friends before dating. When you're just chatting, his hands are either on your shoulder or on your head, with nothing in the between. Running around town after pulling a trick on someone? He'll grab your wrist and flee as if there's no tomorrow. Even if you don't mind at all, his touch nonetheless makes your heart race.

- Once you start dating, expect it to become much more common. When you guys go out of Casita or stand next to each other in various ceremonies, his hands will automatically grasp yours. He'll cup your cheeks out of nowhere and smile like an idiot when you're babbling about something fantastic. And then there's hugging you from behind while you're assisting others with their tasks.

- Please don't blame him for appreciating your expression when he did it; he simply wants to show you how beautiful you are in any circumstances, and he just wants to feel your presence since it makes him feel alive

- And, of course, he did it so often that he forgot there were other people in your universe.

- The locals ignore it because it's nothing new, but the Madrigals find it so sweet that he'll wander his hand to your wrist or shoulder anytime you're there. And one day, when you were having dinner with them, they confronted him. While playfully mocking Dolores about her connection with Mariano, his hand merely unconsciously plays with your finger on the table. She simply pointed right at your hands, determined to seek revenge:

"Yes, Mariano has been talking about the wedding all day, but aren't we going to talk about that?"

"What's wrong with it?"

"You are touchy, Camilo"

"What, no-"

"You can't deny it, Big Brother, when your hands are always on hers, even now."

" Antonio, that's nothing new; the loving boy is simply being a wonderful boyfriend."

- The others decide to join in, teasing him about how his hand is usually on their waist or shoulder, and that hand is no longer new. His parents go so far as to give him details about patting hair and forehead kisses that the teen slipped beneath the table in embarrassment, groaning loudly.

- You believe his face is enough heat, so you chuckle softly at him as you started to draw your palm away from his :

"Amor, you do realize you have the option to stop at any time, right? I don't mind in the least if it makes you uncomfortable—"

"But, I do not want to..."

- The boy muttered as he tightened his grip on you, and as your heart sprang from your chest, he looked at you lovingly and kissed the inside of your wrist:

"I can take a little mocking, but I can't stand being away from your touch, mi Vida"

- Let just say you forgot how to breathe that night

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