Happy Ending (Phil)

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AN: This is a longer story than what I've wrote before and it's also a request from one of the reader. Thank you for your request! This story is kinda rushed at the end but I hope you will like it.

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It's been a year since Hannah was found. Lily and Thomas had been by Hannah's side most of the time, afraid that one day they'll lose her again. Richy was found and was discharged from the hospital a few weeks ago. Dan is back on his feet without his wheelchair. Jessy, Phil and Cleo are better than ever. You also finally moved to Duskwood to be with everyone.

After Hannah's case is solved, Jake promises that he'll come back for you. You've tried to contact him for a long time but there's no sign of him. You keep holding the thought that maybe he's still hiding from the government. Maybe he had to disappear to keep you save. Maybe he need a little more time. All the excuses you make for him is keep piling up because you still believe that he'll come back for you.

At times like this, Aurora is the perfect place to go. To forget about everything that keep bothering you. Without having any second thought, you went to the bar.

When you arrive at Aurora, light creeps out of the open door. You see a familiar figure, a man with long hair tied up, tattoos on his body, his lips biting on a lit cigarette under the night sky. His eyes suddenly meet yours.

"Hello sweetheart, are you going in?" he walks towards you and holds out his hand.

"Hello Phil, are you open yet?"

"Yes, of course. Even if not, I'll open it just for you" he pause for a second. "May I take your hand, Y/N?"

Things are still awkward between you and Phil. He's been asking you to go out with him and no matter how many times you rejected him, he never gives up. He already knew that you're waiting for Jake and also the fact that Jake has disappeared.

"May I take your hand only for a bit? Just until we're inside and then I'll let go. Please?" Phil lowers his posture so your eyes meet his directly.

Hesitantly you took his hand and felt his hand warm yours. You could see a satisfied smile adoring his face the moment you took his hand. With a light steps, he guides you inside. You can hear the usual noises inside the bar, the jazz playing, chattering and laughter of people, the clinking of glasses. It's crowded, you can barely walk if it wasn't for Phil paving your way while still holding your hand behind him.

You can finally get some space near the tables. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" He finally turns around to see you face to face.

"Yes, thank you Phil. I didn't expect that Aurora will be this full tonight"

"Well, when the owner is as handsome and awesome as this, people will definitely come back running everday" he straightened his back proudly.

"Phil! Where were you? We need a hand" you noticed a man behind Phil holding a crate full of beer bottles. You've seen him around before since he's one of Aurora's worker.

"Oh I didn't see you there Y/N. So I guess that's why Phil is taking his sweet time!" he looks at you then looks down at your hand that still holding Phil's.

Flustered, you tried to separate your hand from his but his grip tightened.

"It's only been a few minutes and you already missed me that much dude? I'll be there soon so fuck off to wherever you need to go"

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