Drunk (Jake)

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???: Y/N wake up
???: There's noone in this world will wake up if you whisper like that
???: Y/N??
???: I can take her home
???: Like that won't be more dangerous than this

Slowly you open your eyes but your vision is all blurry. You see hand waving in front of your face and another 3 or maybe 4 people are looking at you. You try to focus and listen to your surroundings instead.

Richy: Are you awake? Maybe we should get her something to sober up
Cleo: I'll get her some water
Jessy: Omg I didn't expect her to drink that much

You felt a cold glass touching your hand.

Cleo: Here you go, please drink the water
Dan: She's REALLY drunk
Phil: It'll be fine, I can take care of her
Richy: I... don't think anyone will let you do that especially when it's Y/N
Jessy: Dan, can you take her home?
Dan: I won't complain about it but someone else will

You try to sit properly and take a sip of water. Today is Jessy's birthday and everyone is invited to Aurora. You remember that everyone was having fun, talking, dancing and drinking. Maybe you're on the drinking part for way too long.

Jessy: Y/N are you feeling okay?
You: Jessy? Yes I'm fine
Cleo: Maybe we should call him?
Dan: He'll probably be here anytime soon
Richy: Did you contact him already?
Dan: Nope!

And just like that, the front door swings open. You see a man walking towards you and suddenly you're floating in the air.

Jessy: Jake? How did you—
Dan: HA! Told ya!
Jake: I'll take her home, don't worry..
Phil: You almost break my door down, anything to say?
Jake: ...
Phil: Great.. just great
Jake: Then I'll be going

With a quick turn, Jake take you on his arms and hold you close. You waved your hand goodbye to the others as you cling on Jake's shoulder and leave the bar.

Jessy: Wait a minute! How did you know that he would be here?
Dan: Dude is fucking obsessed
Richy: We know that but..
Cleo: He's also a hacker
Phil: *sigh* I should've turn it off before we even started
Jessy: Turn what off?
Dan: The CCTV

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