Guard Dog (Jake ft. Phil)

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It's a busy night at Aurora. People are having fun drinking and chattering. Afterall, it's a festival and everyone thought that Aurora is a perfect place to meet up. So crowded that even Jake is here right now sitting next to you.

"Are you sure no one will know who you are?"

"Yes, it will be fine" Jake smiled and clasped your hand on the table.

"Here is your drink, my love" Phil placed your drink in the middle of your table making your hand and Jake's seperate.

He leans on your table and starts looking at you with his flirtatious eyes.

"Aren't there a lot of customers waiting for you, Phil?" you asked him trying to make him leave.

"Oh don't worry love. The others can take care of them. I just want to look at you since it's been a long time" Phil smirked at you.

"You should throw your love somewhere else Phil Hawkins" Jake pulling your chair closer to him.

Annoyed, Phil pointed his finger to Jake, "Do you always have to bring this guard dog with you all the time Y/N?"

"Well I-"

"Yes and I'll bite your head off if you don't stay away from Y/N"

"Wow I didn't know you're so kinky Mr. Hacker" Phil scoffed at him.

"You wouldn't know but Y/N already did" Jake said calmly and proceeded to sip his drink.

There's an awkward silence for a while. Your face is getting red while Phil looks defeated and Jake never breaks his composure.

"What? You want to hear more Phil Hawkins?" Jake scoffed back at him.

You can see that Phil is getting pissed off. He start cursing and leaving the two of you behind.


"What?" he looks at you, looking unbothered.

"It's true, isn't it?" Jake smirks at you and clasping your hand again but tighter now.

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