Play Pretend (Jake)

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You heard knocking at your front door. You check your phone and it's 1 AM.


You look out your bedroom's window, it's raining heavily outside. Slowly, you make your way to the hallway and open your chat with Jake.

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Okay, I'll talk to you later

Jake is now offline

Someone has been knocking
my front door


Just so you know, I'm going
out with a weapon...

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You take a baseball bat that Jessy gave you for protection. Reaching the front door, you peeks at the side window. A taller figure with a hoodie covering half of his face.

???: Y/N you there?
You: Who are you?
???: It's me..

It sounds like Jake! But is it really him? Carefully, you flick the lock open but the door quickly burst open. He grab your face with both of his hands. With reflex, you try to peel his hands off you, resulting you dropping your bat. The moment the bat hit the floor, he pulls your face closer to his,

Jake: You should be more careful when opening the door for a stranger at anytime
You: Jake!? Why are you he-

Without letting you finish your sentence, Jake steal a kiss from your lips.

Jake: Can I get in?
You: N-No, you have to explain first!
Jake: But it's cold outside..
You: Don't you dare..

Swiftly, he move his hands to your waist and picks you up over his shoulder. He walks in and locks the front door.

Jake: Shh.. listen..
You: Let me down first!

You don't know what Jake wants you to listen to until you hear a police siren slowly getting louder.

You: Are they looking for you?
Jake: It's okay now
You: What do you mean it's okay?!
Jake: They still don't know what I look like and we can deceive them if they do come
You: Deceive?

He brings you over to your living room and put you down on the couch. Both of his hands are blocking your way out and you could see his face clearer.

Jake: We can play pretend
You: In front of the police?
Jake: Yes
You: We'll be found out! None of us can act
Jake: That's why we need to practice right now
You: I left you outside under the rain for too long huh?
Jake: We can totally fool them if we practice right away
You: As a friend? Roommate?
Jake: That won't convince them to leave fast enough
You: Then what?
Jake: Newlywed? Husband and wife?
You: The police is not looking for you, is it?
Jake: No, but we might still need to play pretend one day

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