Intruder (Phil & Jessy)

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You: What the fuck is that?

After hearing the noise downstairs, you get up from your bed and peek outside of your door. Currently, you're staying overnight at Jessy's place just because your house is far away from last night hang out place. You hears a door creaks open.

Jessy: Y/N are you okay? Did you hear that?
You: I'm okay, do you want to check it out?
Jessy: I don't know, should we?
You: Let's go together and grab something as a weapon!

You take a baseball bat that is lying inside your room and went outside, waiting in front of Jessy's bedroom.


???: Fuck!! Where are they?!
You: Jessy, hurry up!
Jessy: Okay okay I'm here let's go

Both of you slowly walks to the stairs and peeks the bottom floor. It was dark and you don't think it's a good idea to turn on the light. You could see a figure crouching down in front of the stuffs that has been knocked over.

You: Okay, are you ready Jessy?
Jessy: I'm not sure about this Y/N
???: Why did she put this shit here?

You take the lead and slowly go downstairs with Jessy behind you. Now, you can see the intruder better. It's a guy and he seems too busy to notice both of you creeping behind him. You took a light steps behind his back and swing up your bat up high.

Jessy: Oh my God!
???: Jessy?
Jessy: WAIT Y/N!!!
???: WTF!!

Hearing Jessy's screams the man turn around dodging the bat. The bat lands right between his legs. Suddenly the lights is on. Your eyes tries to adjust and you see that Jessy is the one that turned on the lights.

Jessy: Oh my God! Phil! Are you okay?
You: Phil??
Phil: Do you hate me that much sweetheart?

You looks at Phil on the floor and kneels down, cupping his face with your hands.

You: Phil! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?
Phil: Right now? More than okay, love
Jessy: We thought you're an intruder! Why didn't you tell me you're coming?!
Phil: I fucking did!
You: Phil, language!
Phil: Ugh, check your phone my adorable, kind and sweet little sister. I tried to call you and even sent you messages
Jessy: Oh.. sorry. Anyway why are you visiting all of sudden?
Phil: Because Y/N is here
Jessy: Are you taking Y/N home?
Phil: No, it's too late to do that. It's past midnight, I barely see shit outside
Jessy: So?

You didn't realise that Phil's hand has been caressing your hand all this time. You pulls your hands quickly.

Phil: Aww I was enjoying that
Jessy: Phil!
Phil: Okay okaaay.. I thought I could spend a night together with Y/N
Jessy: ....
You: ....
Phil: Oh yeah~ I DEFINITELY didn't forget about Jessy too of course! Y'know just to be safe, we need a third person in the house
Jessy: Get out.

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