Something New (Jake)

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You: Jake? Hungry?

You tap on his shoulder and he turns to look at you in a second.

Jake: What do you want to eat?
You: I don't know, what do you recommend?
Jake: Chines-
You: We ate chinese food yesterday
Jake: Do you want to try something new?
You: Is there a new restaurant opening here?
Jake: It's not really a restaurant.. but it is something new
You: Okay?
Jake: I'll get to it then
You: Can I go too?
Jake: Of course

You take your pants and jacket in your closet while Jake went out of the room already. Running to the front door, you're stopped by Jake calling your name.

You: Uh.. Jake? What are you doing in the kitchen? I thought we're going to the new restaurant..
Jake: It's right here
You: Are you cooking?!
Jake: Yes
You: You know how to cook?
Jake: I have seen a lot of recipes online, some of them seems simple enough to make
You: If you say so, I'm actually curious what you're going to make
Jake: Okay then, I just need a little bit of your help here
You: Sure! You want me to help cut something for you?
Jake: No, can you just tell me which is the sugar and which is the salt?
You: Right.. Should I look for a restaurant? You know, juuuuuuust in case?
Jake: Why?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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