Holiday Gift

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The howling wind was deafening to any who dared venture through it, combined with the sheer cold of the blizzard was sure to drive away the hopes of those who trekked on through it. Snow, and ice thick as fog in front of their faces, a storm that would barricade the residents inside for hours ripped through the land. Among the roar of the winter brutality was a sound that couldn't be heard, a cry for help from a tiny, vulnerable creature, a plea for warmth, and shelter went ignored by nature. Everyone was safe in their house, trying to pass the time with games, or drinking, or movies, and weren't aware of the tiny child in distress. When it finally ended, many began the long process of shoveling snow away from sidewalks, pathways, and doorsteps, including one family of nobles. Donquixote Homing, and his two sons, firstborn Doflamingo, and secondborn Rosinante, went out to clear their pathways with the servants. Rosi thought he heard a noise after a while, but passed it off as the scrape of shovels, and growing sound of sniffles from being in the cold; soon enough, the sound became clearer, and was akin to a choked sob.

He began to look for the source, but didn't find anything immediately near him, and ventured further away from his starting point. The sound got louder, and he was able to follow it to a squirming bundle. The six year old couldn't believe his eyes when he saw a baby swathed in rags, nearly buried in the snow, and immediately called for his father for help. Homing rushed over to aid his son, beyond surprised to find him digging a human baby from a snow pile, and they rushed to get it inside; its skin was turning blue from frostbite, and probably wouldn't survive much longer if it wasn't properly treated. Homing quickly, but carefully brought it in the house, and called for his wife to get a doctor to them. Not used to hearing such a frantic voice from Homing, she grabbed her phone, and ran to see her husband to see what the fuss was about. "Oh my word, why do you have a baby?" "Rosi found him, or her, in the snow, half buried. Is anyone answering?" "Not yet-hello? Yes, we found a baby out in the snow, and don't know how long it was there, can you please send someone to check on it? I don't think it's safe to bring the child to the hospital in the cold."

Homing checked where he was told to as Kaida relayed orders from the other line, and Rosinante stood worried at their side, while Doflamingo just frowned, and went back to shoveling; he didn't care about a stray child who ended up out in the blizzard, knowing it wouldn't stay once the doctor fixed it; his brother was told to continue shoveling as well, and not to worry about the baby. Fifteen minutes after they began working on the snow, an ambulance with no sirens pulled up, and a few people stepped out. The brothers pointed to the door of the house, and watched the team disappear inside. "What's the big deal? It's just a dumb old baby." "Doffy, it can't protect itself, it could die." "So? Why should we have to deal with it?" "Because it ended up at our house somehow. Someone left their baby in the cold...where are its parents? How come there's no one out there looking for their kid?" "That's a good point. I still don't get why we have to do this." Rosi hugged his brother, pressing his face to the elder's chest.

"What if it was me? What if someone took me, and dropped me far away from home, and just left me there?" That made Doflamingo tense, and bring a hand down to rub his brother's back. "I would find who did it, and make them pay." A commotion drew their attention, and they found Homing leaving with the EMTs, he directed his sons to stay with their mother. "What's going on?" "They want me to go with them to the hospital so they can check her for injuries on the inside. I don't know how long we'll be there, but I'll call you when I can, alright? Do as your mother says." Kaida follwed them out to kiss her husband before they left, wishing them a safe journey. "Alright boys, let's get this snow out of here, then we can make hot chocolate. How does that sound?" "Yeah! Alright!" "Thanks, mom." With renewed focus, the family, and servants shoveled the remaining snow to the side, and Kaida made the promised hot drink for all who worked. She sat on the couch in their living room, with Rosi snuggled against her side, and Doffy watching out the window, unable to stop himself from thinking about what would have happened if it were his brother in the snow instead of a stranger's newborn.

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