Night Out

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Rosinante, and Law were the last to arrive at The Baratie, and they were directed to the large table where their friends were already seated, some snacking on the provided appetizers; they were greeted by Vivi, Doflamingo, and Luffy, and were surprised to find a guy there they didn't really know. "You remember Eustass? Sheila's kid." "That's Eustass? Good lord you look so different." Rosi blinked at the drastic change of Eustass's appearance since he last saw him on the day of their mom's funeral; he was still into cyberpunk gear, and his hair had only gotten spiky over the years. Nakano had invited her friends, family, and Eustass out to eat at the restaurant her buisness partnered with, the group consisted of Zoro, Luffy, Doffy, Vivi, Naka, Rosi, Law, and Eustass.  A tall man with large forearms came to check on them, and get their orders, Zoro, and Law making sure Luffy didn't order too much, and it didn't take long for even the large amount of food to start making its way to them, surprising everyone at the efficiency, and quality of service. Sanji came over a few times to ask the women what they wanted, and to pour them more wine, even flirting with Vivi which made her blush.

"You're so cute when you're all red." Naka teased, pecking her on the lips; the friends talked about anything, and everything, catching up on time missed, life events, and old jokes. It seemed there was some commotion at the table Sanji was checking on, a Marine man was causing a scene about the food being garbage, and he threw the plate of food on the ground, smashing it, and spilling its contents all over the floor; the man found himself lifted in the air with Sanji's hand around his throat. "Don't ever waste food in front of me again." The man squirmed, and threatened Sanji until he was dropped, and he went to attack the blonde, but Sanji blocked it, and another chef came out to get between them; Nakano called Sanji over when it looked like he was going to start fuming again. "Yes, Nakano darling?" "Would you please cut this piece of meat for me? My hands are so fragile, I just can't seem to grip my knife correctly." "We wouldn't want you to cut yourself, please allow me." Sanji carefully cut a small chunk of the food, and held it to Naka's lips so she could take a bite.

"Mm, thank you. It's so good!" She closed her eyes in bliss, and opened them to find the chef with a starstruck gaze in his eye. "Vivi, my sweet, try some." Naka encouraged. "Alright." Sanji moved over to Vivi's side, and did the same thing with her, more than happy to be of use to the women. Law knew what they were doing, but said nothing since the others didn't seem to notice or care, and slowly sipped at his wine as he finished what was on his plate; eventually Sanji calmed down, and excused himself back to the kitchen. "You guys ok?" Rosi asked, making sure his family was safe. "I'm ok. Vivi?" The younger woman nodded, leaning against her girlfriend's side. "Does Sanji know you're together?" Zoro asked, unsure if they cared, or of the cook knew about the relationship. "Yeah, he knows. We had a date here, and he made sure to make it as special as possible. I think he spoiled us too much then, but he didn't charge us extra." Nakano smiled, reaching out to hold Vivi's hand. "You have anyone, Eustass? Doffy?"

"No way, I'm a lone wolf. Don't have time for dates or fancy things." Eustass smirked at the couple, glancing between them. "I'm not interested in anyone, I don't think I have an interest in people in general." "Hm. I think you'd be too cuddly, and you'd drive people away." Naka joked, ignoring the glare she recieved from her oldest brother, while the younger brother snickered at him, and agreed. "Cuddly my ass, he's not a cuddler at all. Look at him! He'd kidnap someone, and hold them hostage on his couch." "He's a total cuddler. Once he grabs you, he doesn't let go. I've gotten stiff as hell from his sleep cuddles." "Can confirm, the man's a cuddle bug through, and through. It's so cute." Rosi gave his brother a knowing smirk, the others couldn't help but laugh at Doflamingo's obvious embarrassment. He couldn't bring himself to be truly mad at the banter, rarely being on the receiving end of jokes due to his cold nature, and threatening aura; he was just happy to be included in the conversation. Nakano tried to include the group in her own conversations, not leaving a single person out for long, and despite the commotion from earlier, they enjoyed the calm, and happy atmosphere as they filled their bellies.

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