Brave Face Or Facade

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Funeral arrangements were made on Sunday, the date was set for Tuesday that week, the family choosing to have a burial, and an open casket; there would be no wake or grand ceremony. Vivi, and Law stayed at the Donquixote mansion all the way through to Tuesday, supporting the family to the best of their ability, Sheila even stopped by to check on her friend, bringing her own teenage son with her. Nakano couldn't help but gawk at the boy dressed in punk gear, with flame red hair, and goggles on his head, and the boy seemed to glow with pride at her stare of wonder. Doflamingo made good on his word, and had bought the things Nakano asked for in order to make more cookies, she already made some for Trebol, and Diamante, and made Doffy's favorite so he could take some with him to work. She missed him already, but her dad had stayed home during the week, using his sick days, and Rosinante was doing his classes online, as well as Law, and Vivi remained nearby; she didn't feel as alone as she used to, and was grateful for the company. The strangely dressed boy watched over Naka's shoulder as she placed one kind of cookie dough balls onto her cookie tray to go in the oven.

"Why do you have so many different kinds of dough?" The boy asked, noticing several small bowls of cookie dough, each with different ingredients. "Because people have allergies, and I'm not gonna mix them together." "Well that's thoughtful, but why so much?" "Because I like to bake, and I'm making some for tonight." "What's tonight?" "My mom's funeral. Stop bugging me, and let me work." He took a seat at the breakfast bar, settling for watching her mix the dough, shape it, bake it, wash the dishes, and repeat until all of them were done, making more sugar cookies than other kinds since the majority of people they knew weren't allergic to them. Nakano placed the sweets for the evening in a special container, and set it aside before passing out the rest to those who'd asked for them. "Why don't you ask for help, Naka? We might be guests, but we're still here, taking part in it." Nakano shrugged at her girlfriend, saying she didn't mind the work. "Honey, you're gonna burn yourself out taking care of everyone before yourself."

"I just have to get these to dad, and Law, and Rosi, and the others. I'm almost done, I promise-" Vivi interrupted her by softly kissing her on the lips, bringing her hands up to take a couple plates; when she pulled back, Nakano looked dazed, and dreamy, and told her the plates she grabbed were going to Homing, and Sheila. "Where's mine?" The boy asked, bringing their attention back to him. "You didn't ask for any. Get your mom to give you some if you want one so bad." Naka barked back at him. Vivi giggled, pecking her on the cheek before delivering the sweets to the designated people while the baker brought the other plates to her brother, and his friend. She knocked on the door, and informed them of the sweets being placed in front of it before heading back down, so she didn't interrupt further. "Can I please have some? I'll help." "Promise?" "Yeah." "Alright, what do you want?" "Soft sugar cookies." Nakano waved the flame haired boy over, and he rolled up his sleeves. "What's your name?" Naka asked, getting the ingredients out. "I'm Eustass, you?" "Nakano. Wash your hands, I got no idea what you touched before you got here."

Eustass snorted, stepping up to the faucet to do as he was told. "Good call, I actually picked my nose when you were upstairs." Naka laughed at him, pouring, and adding the material in a small bowl, and having Eustass mix it. "Can I ask why you dress like this?" "I like it. Makes me look tough, and spiky. Do you have powers?" "Yeah, kinda. We're not sure how, but it's related to my eyes." "Your eyes?" Eustass paued to look at the girl's eyes, the he suddenly realized were bright pink, and definitely abnormal. "I can make everything sweeter. When I use my powers, I can make cookies taste better, I can make peoples' behavior better, and I can even turn things into sugar, but I can't turn it back." "That's...something. how is it related to your eyes?" "Since they turned pink, everything has a vague smell of bubblegum. Keep mixing." Rolling his eyes, the punk boy continued following orders until he was able to eat the treat made specially for him. "I'm magnetic, I can attract metal to my body, push it away from me, bring it all together, and make stuff out of different metal parts. It's way cooler than your power."

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