Marriage, And The Next Generation

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"How dare you get married? You're too young." Nakano huffed, adjusting the straps of her wedding gown before they slid off her shoulders. She knew Doflamingo didn't mean it in a malicious way, and it came from his desire to protect those he cared about, but he had been saying it all day. "Fofo, I'm a big girl now. I have a life of my own, and I get to choose what to do with it. I know you think I'm abandoning you, and Rosi, but I'm not going anywhere. I'm just adding something to my life." Doffy frowned, letting his sister fall against him in a hug. "I're just all grown up now. Mom, and Dad would be so proud of you." He gently hugged Nakano, not wanting to let her go until he had to. "It's time to start, Doffy, let's go." The wedding was small, only the closest relatives, and friends were invited, so there weren't many people there outside. Doffy took his seat by his brother, who was seated in the chair closest to the aisle; family was on that side of the seating arrangement, and friends were on the other. Naka took her place at the altar, and they waited eagerly for Vivi's arrival.

When the music started, Naka tensed, and relaxed, holding her own hands to stay still, and keep her anxiety down; the priest began, and Vivi's father had the biggest smile on his face, more than happy to see his daughter in such high spirits in front of someone she loved so dearly. The rings were brought by Karoo, and placed on each other's finger, then they agreed to the vows, and the moment came for them to kiss. It was slow, soft, and passionate, something they'd remember for the rest of their lives. The after party started as the priest took his leave, and Luffy ran for the food, graciously cooked to perfection by Sanji; Doffy remained in his seat, watching the others get up to eat. The newlyweds made their way down from the altar, Cobra embracing his daughter out of the sheer joy he felt, and Naka let a frown tug at her lips. "Doffy, are you really that upset?" "No. This isn't my thing." "Alright, you can leave if you want, I promise it won't hurt my feelings." He stood up, grateful to have permission to leave, but his sister hugged him tightly.

"Thank you for coming anyway, it means a lot." "Of course." With a kiss to her cheek, Doffy eased his way out of the hug to take his leave, waving to his brother on his way out. "Is it ok for him to go?" Cobra asked, unsure if Naka was really ok with it. "Yeah, I don't wanna keep him here if he's uncomfortable. He never liked this kind of thing." "So. When do I get grandkids?" Vivi turned beet red, and hid her face in her dad's shirt while Naka nearly fell over from laughing. "We just got hitched, and you already want the next generation?" "What? I'd be a pretty good grandpa." They went inside to join the others, and Naka was able to enjoy the food without her nerves frying away, and she danced with Vivi in the corner of the room. Doflamingo had insisted on paying for their honeymoon, and had refused to take no for an answer, so the couple headed off to the hotel booked for them, the cheers from their friends behind them, and a weekend of fun ahead of them; getting in the hotel was easy, but finding their room had been more difficult than they hoped.

For the most part, they weren't really bothered for the weekend, just a congrats from their social media groups, or thoughts of goodwill, but Naka responded to them all, and they were happy to return to their friends. Before they got too close to home, Nakano asked Vivi to stop by the cemetery so she could visit her parents, and Vivi stopped by a flower shop first for something to put on each grave, as well as her own mother's. Corazon, and Law stopped by their house to talk, and Nakano couldn't believe her ears. Her jaw dropped, eyes widening, and tongue nearly falling out of her mouth. "You're having a child?" "We found a surrogate who doesn't mind that we're guys." Law, and Rosinante got married in a courthouse shortly after Nakano, and Vivi, and announced their news five months later. Before she could stop herself, Naka squealed out of joy, and threw herself onto her brother, hugging him as tightly as she could, knocking him back against the back of the couch. "Oh my god, Rosi a daddy! Ohhh that's the cutest thing ever!" She kissed his cheek over, and over, excitement bubbling up, and spilling out of her. "What about me?" Law asked, a hint of a frown on his face in mock hurt. "I know you'll be a good daddy, but the idea of him holding another person as tiny as I was is just so..." She let out another squeal at the thought of a Donquixote holding a baby. "Pff, you don't think Law will look cute with a baby in his arms?" "It'll be sweet, and fluffy to see him with his own kid, but it's just the size difference that's really cute. I'm not saying he'd be a bad daddy."

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