New Chaos

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Doflamingo grit his teeth, trying to keep a calm, steady hand on the phone reciever, and not slam it down to hang up like he wanted to; the man on the other line was screaming into his ear about a loan that had never gotten fully paid off, sending threats, and spewing curses with every other breath. "Look I'm sorry you can't pay it off, but you didn't. We can't help you anymore, we have no choice but to terminate our contract, you'll recieve your documents within the week." He hung up before he could say anything he'd regret, and sat back in his chair, taking a long breath in through his nose, holding it until his lungs ached, and letting it out through his nose. "Who was that, Doffy? You sound angry." Trebol asked from his chair not too far from Doffy's left, across from the other coworker in the room, Diamante. "Another idiot who got a loan he couldn't pay off. It's Saturday, can't people respect the weekend?" The blonde ran a hand through his hair, wishing he had some wine to drown out the grating voice of his former client. "Would you like some wine, Doffy?"

Diamante spoke up, understanding the stress of the job more than the simple-minded Trebol did. "Fuck yes. Can't wait to clock out." They had two hours to get through, and Doffy groaned, rubbing at his temples. "Can I kill him?" Trebol asked, always ready to jump to his boss's defense at the slightest hint of attack or betrayal. "Don't bother, it would be a waste to end him when there are thousands more like him." Diamante answered for Doflamingo, though shared his sense of loyalty to the man they worked for; Diamante, and Trebol helped build Doffy's buisness from the ground up, and were generously taken care of ever since, and loyal to a fault because of it. Doflamingo's cellphone rang, and he took a calming breath before responding, barely able to get a word in through frantic noises, and hysteric sobbing. "Whoa, wait, slow down-" "Mom's sick!" "What?" Rosinante's voice suddenly cut through, and he explained that their mom had collapsed on the job, and was currently unconscious; for a moment, Doffy was stunned into silence, and his brother tried to get him to talk. "I'll...I'll be there as soon as I can. Where are dad, and Sis?"

"Dad was visiting her, he's been there the whole time, and Naka's at her girlfriend's house, they're headed here now. Doffy, I'm scared, it doesn't look good." "Alright, just take a breath, I'm gonna head out now, ok?" "Ok, Naka should get here soon, too. I'll be in the waiting room." The siblings hung up, Diamante looking at his boss, concern etched on his face. "I have to go, my mom's in the hospital. Clock me out, cancel the rest of the calls." "Of course, Doffy. Keep us posted." Nakano was in the passenger seat of her girlfriend's car, trying to remain calm on the way to the hospital, bringing her arms around herself in a hug. "It'll be alright, Nakano, we'll get there soon." Vivi knew words wouldn't be able to keep her partner calm forever, but she had to try, not wanting to see her panic. When they pulled into the parking lot, Nakano recognized her oldest brother's truck pull in on the other side, and couldn't help the sigh of relief that left her lips, asking Vivi to park near him. "Why?" "That's my brother, please?" "Ok, sure." She was able to park a spot over from Doflamingo, and Naka practically ran out to greet him.

Doffy hardly got a leg out of his vehicle before he saw a blur of black hair, and pale skin out of the corner of his eye. He fully stood to his ten foot height, and held a hand out toward his sister; Nakano jumped on him, holding him tightly, and clinging onto the feeling of protection radiating off of him. "It's ok, sis. Let's go see what happened, alright? We gotta see Corazon, and Dad." Doffy hugged her, rubbing his sister's back for a moment to calm her before gently setting her on her feet; she immediately latched onto his hand, and he didn't let go. "That's your brother?" Vivi finally spoke, nearly cowering in fear at the giant of a man before them. "Mhm, it's Doflamingo. Fofo, this is Vivi, my girlfriend, Vivi, this is my brother. Let's go." The blue haired girl couldn't help but be afraid of the power Doffy eminated, both in size, and family name, but she pushed through it for the sake of helping her girlfriend. Once inside the lobby, Doflamingo called his brother down via his cell, and he was there almost in an instant, though he tripped, and tumbled into his brother, who was sturdy enough to not fall on his behind.

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