Moving On (tw: sexual assault)

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It hung low above them, like a rain cloud, depression that felt suffocating, and stifling, pushing in from all sides; stealing the breath from their lungs, and the words from their lips. Cora had resigned himself to an early bed, and bid his family, and friends a good evening, telling Law he could leave or stay. Nakano was curled up between her girlfriend's legs, hugging her calf, resting her head against it, letting tears wet her pant leg; Vivi gently ran a hand through Naka's hair, combing through it, and tugging softly. Doflamingo was out on the patio smoking, keeping the sliding glass door shut behind him so it didn't blow inside, and he found himself staring at his reflection in the pool, mind racing with thoughts of his childhood, and his favorite memories collected like a collage, moving, and swinging in front of him as if he could reach out, and find one to watch back. He hurt, and didn't know how to fix it, they lost their dad in a freak car accident, and so far none of them were really processing anything beyond the immediate loss of a family member; it had been five years since Kaida's death, it felt way too soon to lose someone else.

Before he realized it, tears were pouring down his cheeks behind his pink tinted sunglasses, and he put his cigarette out, no longer in the mood for it. He stayed out for a long time, the only indication of life inside was when the door opened, and small arms wrapped around him from behind. "We're going to bed, Doffy. Please come inside." Nakano pressed her face to his back, trying to convey her emotions through the touch, and Doffy briefly leaned into it. He carefully stood up, bringing his sister with him, and she looked up at him, tear streaks just as evident on her young face as they were on his. "Sleep with me tonight, please." It was such a rare occurrence that Doflamingo asked something of his family, that none could refuse, so Nakano agreed. "Let me get the others settled, ok? I'll be up soon." The pair returned inside, Doffy surprised to see Law in the recliner, long legs stretched out in front of him, hands clasped behind his head, and hat fallen onto his face, while Vivi was fixing him up with a pillow, and blanket.

"Hope you don't mind, we're pretty tired." "Of course not, thank you." Nakano hugged her partner when her hands weren't full, and they met for a soft kiss before the youngest Donquixote child headed upstairs with the oldest child; Doffy moving straight to the attatched bathroom to wash his face, brush his teeth, and use the toilet before he went to sleep. Waiting for him in his room was the sight of his sister sitting in his bed with the blanket pulled up to her chin, and her hand idly tracing random patterns into the fabric. "You ok, Fofo?" He crossed the room in a few short steps, ridding himself of his outer clothes, keeping on his boxers, and changing his day shirt for a tank top. "I'll be fine, we've gone down this road before." Crawling under the covers, he immediately pulled his sister to him, and she let herself be moved, and molded to his liking. "Stop acting so tough, Doffy. You cared more about dad than both me, and Cora combined." "Stop talking about it, and go to sleep." Nakano gripped her brother's shirt, hands shaking with exhaustion, and emotion, and she spoke her mind. "Don't be head of the Donquixote family right now, just be my brother, ok?"

Those words pierced through the apathetic armor he wore on the daily, and Doflamingo found himself holding his sister tighter, burying his face in her neck to both hide his tears, and smell the naturally occuring sweet scent her body produced from her abilities. "I'm sorry." Naka slowly turned to face him, hugging him tightly, wrapping her leg around him as well. "It's ok, Fofo. It's ok to hurt." Doflamingo allowed himself a moment of vulnerability, melting into his sister's embrace as they fell asleep. By the time Doflamingo woke up, Nakano was gone from his bed, but he heard his faucet running so he knew she wasn't too far away; he got dressed, and went downstairs, mindful of the noise in case the others were still asleep. Everyone was already up to his surprise, and his gaze landed on his brother to check on him, he saw Cora holding a steaming cup of coffee, and a sad, faraway look in his eyes. "Corazon. You ok?" His brother nodded, setting his cup down so he could stand, and move over to Doffy to hug him, sinking against him when they made contact.

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