3. cornelia street

172 6 3

"Wanna come tomorrow?" I looked to my side, amazed by the fact that he was able to catch up. But thank God, we're off to another topic.

"Where at?"

"Remember when I told you that I rented a place on Cornelia Street? I moved in just yesterday. You might want to pay a visit."

"Oh.. yeah right. Totally forgot about that. How's the place, tho?"

"Just how I'd like it to be."

We went on with our conversation, more random topics slipping out of our mouth as time flew by this morning. Jay has been a good friend of mine since we're 14. Throughout the years, with all that had happened to me with his company, not a day went by that I was sad. Maybe it's true that brotherhood is not measured by blood, but by the bonds shared.

I'm just glad that I have him. Clearly, having a friend like him is the best to have now.

"Oh, shoot! Sorry Jake, I gotta go now. I think you can prepare yourself a coffee? My cousin's visiting there now. I almost forgot that she's coming by to see my apartment early today."

"Is that so? Well.. Hmm.. I have a spare bike down there at the basement. C'mon. You're dear cousin might find it unpleasing getting there first as a visitor."

Getaway Car : jake x ocWhere stories live. Discover now