10. comfortable

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"What do I--- Jay! Someone's calling you! Hurry the f--- Ugh! Nevermind." I sighed out of defeat and finally slide the green bar to answer the phone call, but before I could speak, the male voice from the other side did it first.

"Sorry to interrupt, mate. As you know, the bike is my brother's, so better return it asap when you're done using it. And by the way, I'm cooking ramen later. I thought we can have some movie marathon later her. How does that sound?"

"Um, h-hello?"

Silence enveloped the both of us as soon as I spoke. With the sudden embarrassment slowly consuming my system, I shut my eyes as I waited for him to say something. If he was surprised, I wouldn't be shocked. That's definitely understandable.

"Oh, uh.. Is this Jay's cousin?" I then heard him cough from the other side while I bit my lip to at least prevent myself from saying something stupid. 'Cause I never know! I might slip.

"Y-Yeah! Hehe.. Jay is upstairs so I initiated to answer the call. Uh.. Don't worry! I'll tell him about the.. um.. the bike!"

"Yeah, right! Hahaha. And oh.. Jake, by the way.." I nodded although he can't see me in person. After some good seconds of contemplating whether I should tell him my name or not, I've decided to do so. It just seemed like he's very close to my cousin.

"Jake.. Okay.. Um, this is Eryn. Eryn---"

"Eryn Go. Am I right?" My mouth formed an 'o' shape, fascinated by the fact that he knows who I am. Jay must've talked about me to him for God knows how many times already. For the first time, I found myself getting comfortable to this Jake guy.

Getaway Car : jake x ocWhere stories live. Discover now