28. two of us

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"Really? Wait, let me see.." I went through the inbox and surprised to see a message from Jay which was sent really early in the morning. "You're right. He said he's off to visit his classmate from middle school in Seattle."

"Which leaves the two of us." Jake shrugged as I looked at him. I grabbed the nearest pillow I could find and playfully hit his arm to which he dramatically winced in pain. Doesn't suit him, tho, but he's cute.

Jake's been flirty these days through words. Weird that I didn't even find that uncomfortable. It was like something normal to me since I don't reciprocate those. Still, his acts towards me can't hinder the fact that he's a really sweet and caring guy. To be honest, I've been trying to like him, but no matter what I do, I still see him as a close friend and nothing more. Is that because I'm not making a move?

"Hey, Jake!"


"Just curious.. Have you had a girlfriend before?" His mouth automatically formed an 'o' shape right after the question I threw at him. He clicked his tongue and looked down.

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