🌑 Starry Nights

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(Well here we are on chapter two because I actually enjoy writing this story soon I'm gonna do like a authors note to make sure I can mark down a few things. Like small aspects about y/n anyway without further interruption you all are here for the sun and moon man! This chapter is meant to be light and soft! 🥺)

6:00 am
Hearing the soft lull of music in your ears you slowly tugged yourself away from your dreams. What had happened?
Where are you? You managed to pry open your eyes after blinking a few times and looking around it seemed like you were in a small room, was it a backstage room? You saw on the walls dozens of child like drawings. Some of sun and some of...moon. The memories of the night seemed to crawl back in your mind. You tried to let yourself forget. Looking around sun seemed no where to be found. You tiredly pulled yourself up. I need to get back into the daycare...today was the day I'd be working a double shift after last night...let's hope I don't get fired for sleeping on the job. You brought yourself towards what seemed like a exit to find yourself on the same ledge that sun usually jumps from. Looking down below you felt your heart start to pound. It was quite high up to you. You made a leap of faith into the ball pit and somehow managed to come back out unhurt. Or so you thought until you heard a certain sun. "Oh no no no! Your bleeding!! Let me get you a bandage!!" Sun yells in a panic before dashing off.
You glanced down to notice you had scrapped up your knee pretty bad. The blood softly trickling down the side. "Ow..." you said softly staying still. Sun soon returned with a small first aid kid. He quickly got to work cleaning the wound and then getting a bandage over it. As he finished up his work you couldn't help but relax into his caring nature. He was so sweet and excitable. He'd radiate his happy energy it was so hard to not smile. Your mind wandered aimlessly as you didn't even notice him step away to put the first aid kit back into place. He came back and scooped you up from where you sat bringing you over to your desk "Sunshine don't over work yourself today! I'll take care of most of the entertainment! You seem so tired" Sunshine? He called me sunshine? You looked puzzled at him why did something robotic care so much about your well being. Why was it caring enough to even call you sunshine? You felt the heat slowly sinking into your cheeks as you thought it over. "Why do you call me sunshine?"

He looked at me his expression was hard to make out as the robotic parts made him look as if he never stopped smiling. "Well because! Your bright and bubbly! You are my freind! So you make my days a little brighter!" You felt your heart flutter when he said that. He seemed so human, so real to you. Maybe you could actually enjoy this. Even the fear of moon couldn't ruin this.

-Time Skip (Only thing important here is the fact you sat at your desk and kept a eye on things that's all your missing)
It was late you had finished up cleaning up the last few tables. Before making your way around the daycare. It seemed sun had started to clean as well. Since you found yourself noticing things looking already done before you even got to them. "Wait what am I supposed to do then?" You muttered to yourself.
Sunrise popped from around the corner and hopped over to you happily slinging his arms around you. "We could play again!!" He spoke softer this time but his voice still let his excitement bleed through you nodded as he quickly lead you along. You chasing him through the daycare laughing and giggling.
He was fun. He made you forget your fears. That's when you felt it. You knew the feeling well but this was something you only did in private. It slipped out a little last time but you were ashamed to show sunny this side. What if he thought it was strange? He wouldn't understand he's a animatronic. This was something you did from trauma. Trauma you couldn't forget. You felt tears welling up in your eyes as you sat in one of the play structures. Sunny approached you to see your expression one of hurt and guilt. He approached slowly as you flinched away from him. He seemed upset that you were afraid. What happened? "Sunshine are you alright?..." he spoke softly reaching a hand out. You felt yourself melting away. Letting out a quiet nod. "I think I get it. Your feeling small again aren't you?"
You were surprised. He seemed to grasp the concept. Something you didn't think was possible. Before losing yourself to your thoughts he pulled you into a hug. Holding you close as he ran his fingers through your hair. "That's okay no need to cry or feel embarrassed sunshine, it's okay to feel small, I'll keep you company and we can play and have fun!" You felt safe. You felt the world around you feel safe and comforting for once. You knew you could enjoy this. A soft melody played over a speaker on sun. You recognized it as he began to sing. "You are my sunshine..my only sunshine you make me happy when sky's are grey" You rested yourself against him listening to him sing. Everything was perfect. You let yourself forget just for once that this was some animatronic as he felt. Human. "You'll never know dear...how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away" He continued his song as you two rocked back and fourth his arms wrapped securely around you as the minutes turned to hours it seemed the world just passed by.

After a few hours of cuddling you in that spot he carried you into his tower. The same place from this morning and last night. Though you couldn't remember much of the past night. He sat you down and ran over to find some paper and crayons before rushing back over to you and setting them down "would you like something to drink little one?" You nodded happily and spoke your voice coming out soft and child like "juice please" He nodded and quickly was off again to get you some. You picked up the box of crayons and started to draw. Shapes and colors across the paper. You drew sun. As you let yourself get lost in your drawing sun came back with a few snacks and juice boxes which he set down next to you before sitting in front of you to watch you color. It was peaceful. After a few snacks and one to many juice boxes you felt your self grow tired. You knew you needed sleep for tomorrow but in all your excitement it was hard to just go to bed. Sun seemed to notice and helped pick up the papers and crayons setting them aside and getting you laid down and ready for bed. He curled up with you as you felt yourself slowly slip into unconsciousness. The soft warmth taking over and letting you sleep peacefully.

Sun slowly tugged himself away from your sleeping figure. As he got up he glanced over at your various drawings through the night. Noticing one of himself. Himself and you sitting happily with the words 'My sunny'. He felt his robotic heart melt at the sight of it. Gently picking up the paper he hung it up in his room. Something he'd hold onto dearly. Looking at the time he glanced over at you and let out a soft sigh. He'd let you sleep today. You needed it. As he prepared himself to go out for the day taking one last look at you before stepping out he spoke

"I won't let anyone hurt you my precious sunshine. You seem so fragile...I will protect you"

What he didn't know is you had already started to wake. A small smile crept onto your cheeks hearing him. "I know sunny..."

You are my Sunshine (Sundrop/Moondrop X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now