⚙️ His Plan

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Vanessa had woken up as the two of you sat at the table for breakfast you mindlessly scrolled through your phone. You didn't want to talk to Vanessa not after last night it seems she caught on and spoke up "it happened again didn't it?" You looked up from your phone. Relieved she didn't try to just avoid the topic as well. "Vanny came out last night and I don't remember what happened" You spoke calmly as you set your phone down to talk with her.

"I know...all I remember is getting into bed last night I felt so tired" she muttered laughing a little. You sighed with a small smile. "It's alright whatever happened. We are still alive and no one was hurt so maybe for once things are okay?" You tried to keep a little optimism. Everything still felt quite groggy but you didn't have much mental energy to fight the fog. She looks down at her cup of coffee and sighs. "Do you wanna hangout maybe? I know last night was awful for you..." She worriedly looked up at you it seemed she was afraid you would just leave after the events of the previous night. "Look I think I'd prefer the crazy child alter of yours than my own family ness I'm not going anywhere" This seemed to calm her nerves as she smiled and laughed a little "Your family is rough too?" You nodded in response and picked up your phone again. You had received a text from a unknown number. 'How about we get to know each-other?' You looked back up at Vanessa who snickered a bit. "Why did you text me and not just say it?" She laughed and tried her best to cover up her smile. "Wellllll you seemed pretty not wanting to talk this morning soooo" You shook your head and giggled. "Ness it's fine, I don't mind talking to you. Your nice to me"

You both finished up your breakfast and made your way to her couch. The costume from last night had at some point been moved but you didn't mind. You didn't have to look at the creepy thing so why would you care? She sat down next to you and the two of you spent hours talking back and fourth about your lives. You realized how much Vanessa had really been through. Made it worse when she said that she's never even told her therapists everything they just seem to disappear every time she feels like opening up. That struck you as odd but you knew how unreliable some therapists could be so you didn't let it nag at you for long.

You decided to open up a bit too. You told her about your rocky history and past. How bad things used to be and even as a adult still get sometimes. She seemed to understand and held your hand in a comforting manner "Guess we are one in the same huh?" You nodded letting out a sad laugh. "Yeah I guess so huh ness?" She smiled and leaned back relaxing into the couch. It was one of the only times you've seen her relax as usually she was high strung and anxious. "Can I tell you about Vanny?" She spoke quietly like she didn't want anyone to overhear. You glanced at the tv and quickly went to unplug it before sitting back down "better?" She nodded and seemed to ease her fears you understood why she was scared. You sat back down slowly and waited for her to speak.

"Vanny was a child alter I've had for a while...she's been with me since I was little. Vanny isn't a bad alter...she's just misguided...he won't let anyone help me..he won't let anyone help her. He has her convinced she's his daughter... she will do anything to make him proud...even silence me" you looked in shock but understanding. You slowly eased into a more worried expression "So she's doing all of this for something she sees as her father?..." you mutter and she nods hugging herself. "I feel so lost y/n I don't know what to do...I don't want to hurt people" You wrapped your arms around her and hugged her. It seemed like she needed it. She had so much she was trying to handle on her own and this thing kept isolating her. Making it harder and harder for her to reach out and get help. You were determined to help her. Even if it put your life in danger. You couldn't just sit back and watch as this thing turned a kind woman into a psychopath.

"We need to stop him..." she mumbled under her breath. You nodded as your mind was drawn to the Pizzaplex it's like a light bulb went off in your mind. Realization sunk in that sun thought you were supposed to be there today. He's going to be worried sick! Moon may be angry but your sure if you explain to sun when you get there in the morning tomorrow that things will be okay. You shook off your fears and spent the day with Vanessa. After your talk you two laughed and hung out all day

Vanessa and you played games on her console and you two just shared stories with each-other. It seemed you two got along great something you never expected but it was a welcome change of pace. Soon the topic of sunrise and Moondrop came up. "Soooo y/n you gonna tell me about you and your loverrrr" she taunted you and you blushed and covered your face from embarrassment "He's so sweet, him and moon. I don't know what they are programmed to do but they feel almost human" vanessa laughed and shook her head "They basically are y/n they are advanced enough to learn from their surroundings and can even feel and express emotions. The only thing that separates them from you and me is they are metal and we are fleshy" you gagged and burst into belly laughing "Fleshy really ness?" She snickered and shrugged. "We are fleshy" you tried to hold back another round of laughter. You sat back for a moment smiling and thinking your memories of sun and moon twirled happily in your memory and for once you were lost in the peace again. You had always had a rocky life where it seemed like every up always had a down. You never got more than a few moments of peace. You let yourself enjoy what you could as the day came to a end. You were excited for the next day. Looking forward to tomorrow.

"They forgot about us...They will be back Moon! Maybe today they were off and didn't realize?! System reboot...memory erased...Why are we so angry..."

(We are slowly making our way to the intense parts of the story and also where it overlaps with security breach so y'all will be able to see Gregory and Our favorite Dad robot 😂 anyway I hope y'all enjoyed and stay tuned for more 🌚🌞💕)

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