🌘 Little Luna

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1:00 AM

You sprint into action quickly running away from him as you shove your way into the play structure kicking a stack of the plush drums over in the process. Moon yells and starts to pick up the drums giving you enough time to inch your way to the last generator. You heart pounding in your chest you reach desperately for the switch flipping it on as the lights flicker back on. You stay in your spot panting and coughing he must of broke a rib from how hard he squeezed you.

You heard sun yelling at Gregory you assumed "GET OUT GET OUT RULE BREAKER! YOU ARE BANNED FROM THE DAYCARE!! SECURITY ALERT SECURITY ALERT WOOO WOOO!" He yelled before slamming the doors as he walked away. Suddenly his voice dropped for a more caring tone as he seemed worried "Sunshine are you okay?...did moon scare you ag...again..." The lights shut off again. You glanced at the generators to notice they didn't have power. You now had to survive. There was no fixing it this time. You curled up in the tube away from any holes keeping yourself as quiet as possible "are we playing hide and seek now bunny?~" you felt your words get caught in your throat. You hated hearing that name. You lost control last time and it wouldn't happen again. "You better be hidden well~" his voice called out closer than before you could hear the bells jingling on his wrists. You couldn't escape. You started to sob helplessly as you heard him crawling up the tube you sat hidden in you scooted back as his eyes illuminated the tube below you. Him crawling up soon you were face to face with him.

Tears rolling down your cheeks as you could hardly speak "moon please...please stop..." he looked at you as he crawled closer. You wanted to scream in terror you were sure he was soon to kill you. "Little Luna?... why...why can't I see you properly..." his voice softened as he approached you lifting a hand to your cheek as he slowly moved his hand around you looking for something "moony please don't hurt me..." he seemed upset as he pulled a small disc from your back holding it in his hands before crushing it. "I can see you now...little Luna I'm so sorry... how badly did I hurt you?"

You tried your best to calm down as he spoke every deep breath made your ribs feel as if they were on fire. "I think...I have a broken rib moon..." you whisper as you spoke. He curled his arms around you and slowly pulled you both from the slide. Your not sure when he regained his memories but deep down you were thankful that they came back before the worse happened. You clung onto him desperately. Not wanting to let go for even a moment. He slowly took you to a table setting you on top of it. "How much does it hurt?" He asked quietly his eyes seemed so much softer now more caring. This was the moon you loved.

He turned on the disc sun had set on them his form changing before you. He was human. He had soft silver hair and red eyes. He looked pale and was quite tall. You looked up at him in awe. He was attractive was all you could think as he spoke again "Do you like what you see Luna?" You nervously looked at the ground swinging your feet back and fourth not wanting to admit how attractive he was. He slowly lifted your head "how about we play another round this time to make you forget your pain hm?" You made eye contact confused

He smirked and leaned in closer "you hide and if I find you, I make you feel better than you ever have before~" he purred out his voice was low and sent shivers down your spine as you nodded quickly. Maybe this was something you needed just to get your mind away from all the awful events of recent. You nod and wince again he frowns a bit and sighs "before that Luna you need to rest some your hurt" You nodded and curled up a bit as he sat behind you holding you close and still so the pain wouldn't be so intense

You leaned your head against him listening to his heartbeat as the time passes you slowly let yourself relax and let your body fully relax. No longer pounding with adrenaline you were able to focus on your surroundings the darkness was comforting around you. His arms holding you close making sure no one could hurt you.

Sleep felt heavy on your eyes as you started to drift off to sleep in his arms just wanting the night to be over. You nuzzled against him pulling him closer as he picked you up carrying you again. You knew where he was taking you. To the tower to sleep. You had no complaints as you tirely held onto him, he slowly set you into the bed kissing your forehead as he laid down next to you pulling you close "Sleep well my little Luna, tomorrow is a new day"

He was right, tomorrow was a new day. Things are going to get better you just know it. Now all you had to do was sleep and soon you'll be able to be in bliss. That sounded like everything you needed as you finally drifted off to sleep.

"Gregory...Join our family. Bunny your work is not done. Don't think we are done with you yet"

(A a a a. A yes I needed to write another chapter and I hope y'all like it! I'll make sure to update tomorrow as there is about to be some epic stuff! Take care of yourselves! 🌞🌚💕)

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