🌞 Sunny Day?

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(Alright so like- we are actually getting into the conflict now- cause I hinted but I wanted to get y'all interested before actually progressing so here we go this chapter you gotta hold onto your seats for 🌞🌚💕)

6:00 AM
Pulling yourself out of the bed. It seemed sunrise had already made his way out to get ready for the day. You should too. You haven't left for a few days and you were starting to feel gross.
A shower would be nice. You slowly made your way to a back exit in the tower and took the stairs down making your way out of the daycare and into the rest of the pizzaplex. It was early in the morning so no one except you and a few other employees are here. You started to make your way around glancing at all the various attractions of this place. It's huge! You slowly made your way to the food court your stomach giving a loud growl. When was the last time you ate? You checked your phone and checked a app they had given you. They pay actual money but I guess as a bonus to keep employees they give you vouchers for just about anything in the mall. You made your way to the food court and got something to eat for breakfast. Yes pizza wasn't exactly a healthy breakfast but it was the fastest thing made here making your way with two large slices on a paper plate you sat down. Beginning to eat and feel some of your nausea disappear as you finally had something in your system besides snacks. Hearing someone clear their throat you looked up and saw Vanessa. You and her got along fine even if she had a bit of a temper but from her expression she seemed lost in thought. Or well just in general lost. She gestured towards the chair in front of you. "Oh yeah you can sit down ness" you smiled and set down your slice as she sat down in front of you. "Your..name is y/n right?" She spoke softly like she was afraid to raise her voice. Like something might hear her. You gave a puzzled look and nodded confused but willing to listen to your co-worker.

"Have you heard him?..." she asked gravely looking entirely serious but you having no clue what she was talking about mumbled "Sunrise and Moondrop?" She shook her head quickly and took your hand gripping your wrist "William...have you heard him...he's everywhere he can hear us...he wants to keep up his work" you felt uncomfortable as her grip didn't loosen. Was she going insane? Who is William and why does she seem so terrified of him? "Vanessa what's going on? Are you alright?"

She let out a laugh but it wasn't one of relief it was one of pity and sadness. "It's Vanny now". You seemed confused on her correcting you however you've never been one to judge maybe she was having a hard time about her name? "Alright..Vanny. Are you okay?" She froze hearing me actually say the name. It's like she was again lost in thought. Like the lights were on but no one was home. You waited patiently not wanting to upset her as you felt your wrist start to sting from her grip "Vanny could you...let go of me?" She does so before leaning back and smiling. Her demeanor did a 180 and the woman who just seemed horrified and paranoid now looked smug, content. In control. It unsettled you worse than Vanessa being paranoid.

"I will be continuing his work. It will be fun and maybe you should join us dear y/n" her voice cooed out as she set her head on her hand resting her elbow against the table. You didn't know which was worse but you were to afraid to ask "what are you...talking about vanny?" This only seemed to please her that you didn't just scoff off the idea. You were mailable. "You sleep in the daycare correct?" You looked away in embarrassment that even your co-workers caught on. As you slowly nodded she kept speaking "which means you're here all night, how about tonight at 3am you head up to faz blaster. I have a surprise for you" You didn't like how she said that. As if you were a little kid that she needed to go somewhere. You just nodded along not wanting to anger her. "That's fine I guess..." she smiled and stood up quickly before starting to walk away swaying her hips in a bounce of sorts.

What have you gotten yourself into? You think as you finish the last bit of food you had before making your way to the bathrooms to clean yourself up. You splashed some water on your face looking into the mirror. You had bags under your eyes and looked tired. "God I look like a wreck..." you spoke softly as you took a comb brushing through your hair to straighten it out. Brushing off your uniform till you could pass for being halfway ready.

Making your way out and back around the pizzaplex you quickly made your way to the daycare before the day truly started. You might as well make a attempt to actually do your job. As you made your way into the daycare again sunrise was picking up a few things here and there and didn't seem to notice you right away. "Hey sunny" you said giving him a small wave as you joined him in getting things set up. "Sunshine your looking pretty as always" his complement bringing a flush to your cheeks.

10:45 AM
You were running around like a chicken with its head cut off to keep up with the children as sun decided to start a game of tag. You ran around as fast as you could laughing and giggling along with the children. Something wasn't right however as you could feel something, someone was staring at you. What you didn't know is a certain woman now stood at the railing above the daycare. Watching your every move. You glanced up and made eye contact. It was none other than Vanessa. She waved at you and smiled creepily before walking away. Her smile was enough to make your stomach twist.

"Get her. She will help us complete our plan Vanny. You will not fail me."

(We are on the story train now! I really hope y'all like this chapter as I actually start to give some conflict to the story!🥺 please leave any Critism or suggestions on the comments I'd love to read them! Anyway merry Christmas everyone and take care of yourselves!!)

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